Source: Voice of the United States

Author: Liu Wen

Ron Desantis, Governor of Florida, submitted documents to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) on Wednesday (May 24) and officially launched the 2024 US presidential campaign.That night, he was interviewed by Twitter, Elon Musk, who was Tesla CEO Elon Musk, and announced his campaign decision.

Desantis said in the interview that illegal immigrants said that if he was elected president, he would overthrow everything that President Bayeng did, and he would announce the state in an emergency on the first day of his office, build a border wall, deal with it to deal withBring the smuggling population and Fantnes into the American drug trafficking gang.But De Santis did not mention his foreign policy, especially his views on the Chinese and Ukraine War.

Important opponent of Trump

The 44 -year -old Governor of Florida, De Santis, is considered to be the main opponent nominated in the Republican Party with former President Donald Trump.

The graduate of Harvard and Yale defeated the Democratic candidate to the Governor of Florida with a faint advantage of 0.4%in 2018. His campaign received the strong support of then President Trump.In the mid -term elections in 2022, Desandis defeated the Democratic opponent with nearly 20 percentage absolute advantages and easily re -elected.

But in the past few months, Trump and his team have begun to attack De Santis.According to Politico's report, a Trump consultant laughed at De Santis's decision to announce the campaign: "In this way, he does not have to interact with people, and the media cannot ask him any questions."

But many people feel that De Santis moves in every move, from speaking to policy stances to imitate Trump.

tough positions on China

In terms of attitude towards China, De Santis and Trump are very similar.He has always publicly criticized the Chinese government and the Chinese government, believes that the Chinese government is the largest geopolitical threat in the United States.

As early as March 2021, Desandis proposed a plan aimed at restricting national cooperation between universities, state institutions and local governments and China to prevent intellectual property from being stolen.He publicly stated: "We need to take action and resolutely oppose the impact and interference of the Chinese government and foreign countries on the United States' research, education and public affairs."

On June 7, 2021, De Santis signed two bills against China.A bill prohibits public institutions from signing contracts with China and Cuban.This prohibits China from setting up Confucius Institute on campus in Florida.He believes that the Confucius Institute is a "institution that trys to wash the history of Chinese and is influenced in American schools."

Another bill has strengthened the punishment of stealing business secrets to make foreign government income, and set deliberately stealing or trying to steal business secrets and conspiracy for themselves as a third -level felony.

From April 5, 2023, Florida also banned state government agencies from using drones made from China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and other countries, and allocated $ 25 million (S $ 33.76 million) to help government departmentsReplace the device.This decision made many government agencies, including the fire department, and the mosquito department, could not use the drone manufactured by the DJI company in China, which caused criticism from some members and law enforcement officials.

Support Coronal Virus Laboratory Disease

In May 2021, the Biden government ordered a 90 -day investigation to investigate whether the coronary virus originated from the contact between humans and infected animals or from a laboratory accident.Since then, the laboratory leak theory has begun to get more and more attention, and De Santis has been this theoretical supporter.

In June 2021, De Santis publicly stated: "Obviously, this virus is almost definitely leaked from the laboratory and Wuhan. In this laboratory, scientists and the Chinese government and the Chinese military are closely closely.Cooperation. "He believes that the Chinese government's concealment has caused this global popularity and said that the Chinese government should be responsible for the epidemic of crown disease.

The courage to freely published the new book published in February this year: The Courage to be free: FLORIDA ’s BluePrint for American Revival also mentioned this position again.

At the same time, De Santis has always strongly opposed the control measures during the mandatory wearing mask and other epidemic.The measures "None of them will listen."

In May 2023, he signed a bill to prohibit enterprises and government agencies from asking people to wear masks or crown tests to enter their facilities.He also criticized the World Health Organization and Biden Government in March 2023, saying that it was wrong to deal with the measures taken by the global crown disease and did not reflect.

Restricted Chinese people buying a house

On May 8 this year, De Santis signed three bills to restrict the use of Chinese people to buy real estate in Florida; restrict the use of procedures such as TIKTOK, Tencent QQ, WeChat, etc.State "Establishing Relations.The state -owned China, Russia, Iran, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and Syria are restricted in the bill of restrictions on the purchase of real estate. Among them, Chinese citizens are restricted the most, including Florida State.

Desantis said in a signing bill: "I am proud to sign this bill to prevent Chinese agents from purchasing our farmland, land near our military base and key infrastructure, and prevent sensitive data from preventing sensitive data fromStored in China. "

Similar bills have been proposed in Texas, George Asia, Louisiana and other places, but have not yet been signed as part of the law.

On May 22, the American Citizen Freedom Alliance announced that it would sue the laws that restrict the purchase of real estate in Florida.The organization wrote in Twitter: "These laws' claims about national security are false. Without evidence that Chinese people buying real estate will cause harm, but similar policies have been aggravating discrimination and violence against immigrants for a long time."

The support rate is still behind Trump

The main attacks of De Santis are not limited to China and the Communist Party. The sexual minority groups, immigrants, and abortion rights are all targeting and restricted.Although these positions of De Santis won a part of conservative voters, his support rate still lagged behind Trump.

The CBS polls released on May 1st show that among the candidates who may participate in the Republican primaries, Trump is far ahead with a 58%voting rate.It is 22%.