Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Quanye

On May 22, some netizens broke the news that when the flight of Cathay Pacific Airlines flew to Hong Kong from Chengdu to Hong Kong, he heard that the flight attendant used English and Cantonese to complain to passengers: "If you cannot Speak Blanket, you cannot have it" (you cannot have it "(If they do not speak English in the blanket, they will not be equipped with blankets).In the exposed recording, there was a laugh at the scene.In addition, there are vacant passenger Cantonese and colleagues that "they can't understand people."

The netizen wrote, "I really don't understand why there is such a great malice to passengers who don't speak English or Cantonese. Do not require additional enthusiastic services.arrive".

As soon as the news came out, public opinion was uproar, and soon boarded hot search.Cathay Pacific, which is deeply trapped in public opinion, apologized three times in a row. Following apologies to the passengers' "unpleasant experience", suspended the flight task of air -to -air service officers, and promised to investigate and deal with it seriously.A statement was issued that the three air waiters involved in the incident were dismissed. As the chief executive of Cathay Pacific, Lin Shaobo also promised that in order to avoid the occurrence of similar incidents, a comprehensive review of the working group of the cross -department will be personally led by the inter -departmental team, re -examining the service againProcess, personnel training and related systems to further improve Cathay Pacific's service quality."Among them, the most important thing is to ensure that all Cathay Pacific employees must respect passengers from different backgrounds and culture, and provide professional and consistent services in all service areas."

Faced with such discrimination, the mainland public opinion could not wait for the results of Cathay Pacific's investigation, and began to start the bottom of its spots, and shouted that Cathay Pacific was forced to apologize for the pressure of public opinion.For example, the surging comment wrote that from the actual feedback of the flight attendant, the service demand for passengers did not understand, but "pretending not to understand".Obviously, this scene that happened on Cathay Pacific flights is not a problem of air passenger language ability, but a service attitude and professional ethics.Facing the market feedback, Cathay Pacific needs to reflect deeply: Is there a shortcoming in terms of employee training, internal standards, and anti -discrimination education?Have you really attached importance to unfair treatment with tourists?Why hasn't the problem improved for so many years?It is hoped that the exposure of such incidents is no longer just treated by Cathay Pacific as a case, let alone "pretend".For discrimination, passengers will not tolerate, and the market will not tolerate.

The People's Daily Overseas Edition of Xia Ke Island issued a post bluntly, "Cathay Pacific cannot just apologize every time, but should be rectified, the rules are established, and the wind is stopped from the root."The article also wrote that an airline with a business around the world has regional discrimination against passengers, which can only expose the company's business quality low, expose some people's national identity deviation, psychological distortion, and low culture and professional literacy.EssenceHong Kong is Hong Kong in China. The development of Hong Kong is inseparable from the support of the country and the mainland. Mainland tourists are one of the parents of food and clothing in the service industry in Hong Kong.Mainlanders should never happen.

The Beijing News commented in the fast evaluation that there are different languages in different places.The service, of course, can be rationally requested that the service provider to adapt to themselves.The incident also awakened all the companies with multinational business. When serving consumers, they were more picky about some consumers and considered more basic market rules and business ethics.If you ca n’t know the severity on these issues, all arrogance will eventually pay.

Xinhuanet also published a comment on the evening of the 23rd, and the old problems will not be changed. Cathay Pacific not far. The article wrote that Cathay Pacific owes the sincerity of a service customer.As a company, with the money of customers, it is arrogant and rude. Even basic respect cannot be done. In the service industry, the three places are complained again due to service issues.Pride and contempt for customers.This is a problem with Cathay Pacific again and again. While apologizing, the crux of resolutely unchanged.If Cathay Pacific wants to go down for a long time, you have to look at this public opinion and find a solution from the corporate culture, rather than the insignificant words for the pressure of public opinion.

There are still many similar comments and dissatisfaction sounds. Facing the turbulent criticism and doubts, is Cathay Pacific's apology really useful?Or more precisely, is Cathay Pacific's discrimination of occasional cases?Can the raging public opinion in the mainland really force Thailand and even Hong Kong society in a wider sense of sense, and unload the arrogance and prejudice held by the mainlanders who speak Mandarin?

Of course, we cannot deny the entire Hong Kong society because of Cathay Pacific, but in Hong Kong, it is not uncommon for treating Mandarin people to speak Mandarin.I still remember that after the Hong Kong Hong Kong was fully cleared in the mainland, some mainland Internet celebrities challenged the Mandarin in Hong Kong for a day to speak Mandarin "Baiyan Almost has not been turned to death".Hong Kong society's discrimination and arrogance to speak Mandarin Mainlanders is not just a problem of a person and an institution, but the result of the combination of multiple factors such as colonial history and real politics.Psychological structure.

In the past, Hong Kong has been accustomed to marking Europe and the United States, regarding Europe and the United States as examples and perfect lighthouses for learning in various aspects.In particular, the huge number of civil servants, politicians, and elite groups that dominate Hong Kong's operations are always separated from the country in terms of economic and identity. They believe that they belong to the Western value alliance and are part of Western culture.Under the guidelines of Western Center, it is believed that Western culture is better than Chinese culture, Western nations are better than the Chinese nation, and the Western system is better than the Chinese system.There is only one way for the development of world civilization, which is the political and economic model of Western -style. There must be no other national culture model. Only Western roads are ideal destinations.Correspondingly, it is of course and a half -knowledge of the mainland model.

Qiang Shigong, who worked at the Research Department of the China United Nations Office and the executive director of the Hong Kong and Macau Research Center of the Peking University, was in his book Hong Kong, China: Politics and Culture's Perspective.EssenceFrom the perspective of Qiang Shigong, the "brainwashing and winning heart" project adopted by the Hong Kong and British government after the "June 7 Riot" has completely changed the deep consciousness and psychological structure of Hong Kong people, forming the Hong Kong people's "left" and "Communist Party""," Mainland "and" Socialism "are jealous and fearful.This kind of fear psychologically echoing the psychological psychology of the "hatred" of the Kuomintang officials who fled from the mainland to Hong Kong, the "hatred" psychology of large capitalists and leftist intellectuals made the "fear of the Communist Party" and "the Communist Party" become the basic publicity of Hong Kong citizens.Hong Kong citizens' rejection of Hong Kong's return has also increased the difficulty of returning to China in Hong Kong.

"If economic problems and even political upper -level architectural problems are visible surface problems, then the real deep problem is the ideological issue of cultural value concept. In terms of popularity, it is the so -called 'political identity', 'Cultural identity 'and the "identity" problem from this. "

In the newly added book of civilized vision published, Qiang Shigong further analyzed this. In the context of the conflict of civilization, the core of Hong Kong and British colonial rule was to replace Chinese education with English education.However, it is precisely the Hong Kong higher Chinese group calling on the Hong Kong British government to implement the "deep education" in English and oppose the implementation of Chinese education.Wu Tingfang, the first Chinese member of the Hong Kong and British government to the Legislative bureau, and later became the classic famous saying left by the diplomatic elites of the Republic of China in the Hong Kong and British Legislative Agency, is a "waste time" in Chinese education.At the time of the return of Hong Kong, the political tradition of Hong Kong and Britain in the strategy of "maintaining unchanged" and "unchanged" strategies as "one country, two systems" was preserved as a "one country, two systems".The "deep education" system in Hong Kong continues to produce elite groups who loyal to the colonial system, and they have changed from colonial rulers to governors of the SAR government.

In addition, Qiang Shigong also talked about the promotion and influence of social events.After 2008, the controversy caused by the "locust theory" caused by the "two -non -" child to the "one bubble boy urine".The conflict between Hong Kong people and mainlanders caused by isolation.The populism stimulated by the Internet has led to each other to attack each other. Especially the "Zhanzhong" movement and the Hong Kong independence trend have triggered the dissatisfaction of the younger generation of mainland China to Hong Kong.

In the mainland, for the generation of reform and opening up, Hong Kong, as the international metropolis, was once a holy place in the minds; for the generation of China's rise, Hong Kong has become an increasingly mediocre local city.Development strategy to seek your own way out.From the inferiority of Hong Kong's inferiority in the reform and opening up, to the arrogance of a generation of people in China to Hong Kong, the contrast of this attitude is largely due to the failure to deal with the organic relationship between the center and the edge in theory.Always look at the frontiers from the perspective of the center, so that it has formed a mentality of arrogant and inferiority in the center.

"Living in the center is arrogant, and inferiority falls into the edge" is not immediately. There is also a specific process of changes in the mentality of the mainland in Hong Kong.And the grasp and analysis of this process is far more important than Cathay Pacific.Because of this, we can grasp the cultural and psychological structure of Hong Kong society, but we can understand ourselves and understand the deep logic and evolution of the mainland's mentality of Hong Kong.

For a long time after returning, Hong Kong has always been the target of the mainland. Many mainlanders imagined Hong Kong, not only diversified freedom, democratic civilization, but also the rule of law and economic prosperity.Social events such as iron eating and children's casual urination have conflicted, and even the huge "locust -driven movement" broke out, but the overall impression of mainland society in Hong Kong is still positive and positive.In 2014, the Chinese Movement and even the riots in Mong Kok in 2016. Although the impact on Hong Kong was far -reaching, because it was quickly fascinated, it did not fundamentally change the psychological structure of the mainland people to cognitive Hong Kong.

Chen Pingyuan, a professor at Peking University, wrote in the preface of the "Urban Imagination and Cultural Memory Series" in 2014.Hong Kong people's past and present life, joy and sorrow? Speaking, it is nothing more than international financial centers, shopping paradise, and food sacred place; the film industry was once brilliant and popular music; as for characters, business has Li Ka -shing, academic Rao Zongyi, writer writer, writer writer, writer writer, writer writer, writer writer, writer writer, writer writer, writer writer, writer writer, writer writer, writer, writer, writer, writer, writer, writer, writer, writer, writer, writer, writer, writer.There are Jin Yong; there are more acting stars, and carrots and cabbage have their own love, such as the dead Leslie Cheung, Mei Yanfang, the living Chow Yun Fat, Liang Chaowei, and the comedy genius Zhou Xingchi who are good at funny ... If I remember it, this is generally generallyHong Kong in the minds of the mainland people. "

Is this Hong Kong?Chen Pingyuan then gave his own views, "Looking back at the mainland people, still telling the 'Hong Kong Story' they understand according to their interests; even scholars do not feel that they have adjusted their own positions and listened to Hong Kong carefully.It is necessary for human voice. Over time, this visual "misalignment 'becomes more and more serious."

The occurrence of the storm in 2019 completely changed all of this. Hong Kong in the eyes of mainlanders immediately became "stink port" and moved to another extreme.Among them, there is a big background of the Sino -US New Cold War, and the mainland people "look at the world" more confidently under the call of the new era, but the main decisive factor is that the behavior of radical demonstrators during the repair storm directly stimulates the direct stimulation stimulation.The majority of the mainland, such as the impact of the Hong Kong -English flag on the podium that night, shouted "I support the Hong Kong police, you can hit me", burn the flag to apply the national emblem, or even throw off the national flag into the water.Wait, these pictures can spread throughout the Internet within a few minutes, and the repair storm itself lasts for a long time. Such a cognitive accumulation is further consolidated and deepened, and it has continued until today.

The changes in such a psychological structure not only profoundly affect the views of many people in the mainland on all kinds of events in Hong Kong, such as the fifth wave of epidemic outbreaks to see the excitement and ridicule, but also let some people start to "turn the old account to the old account"For example, on the occasion of the financial storm in 1998, the Hong Kong financial system was attacked by international speculators at that time.The backing of the storm, this assistance, was considered to be the latest and most effective investment in the future political market, but after repairing the storm, the material assistance during SARS during the SARS period after the storm was the "Powerful evidence of forgetfulness ".So that during the period of repair, some people inadvertently said "power off the water" to Hong Kong, and many people followed the wind and wind.

Hong Kong merchant Hu Yuegao, who has invested in Wuhan for many years, was interviewed in Hong Kong on the first anniversary of the epidemic. He also talked about the changes in the mainland from one extreme to another."Not only has Hong Kong serious misunderstandings about the mainland, but many people in the mainland have incomplete understanding of Hong Kong. Some officials have a very positive impression of Hong Kong before.In the past few years since the incident, their perception of Hong Kong has changed a lot, even negative. In 2019, the storm has been repaired.The gap, even many people around me will say that Hong Kong will not work. In fact, most Hong Kong people are patriotic and love Hong Kong, and chaos is just what a small number of people do. "

There is no "looking up" for no reason, and there is no "derogation" for no reason. The two -way misunderstanding of Hong Kong and the mainland is formed in continuous imagination and reality. Such a two -way misunderstanding also highlights the "two systems"Fusion.After the full customs clearance, many people laughed and said "Hong Kong is fragrant again", because not only many mainlanders rushed to Hong Kong to travel, but many people also "moistened" to Hong Kong for employment, but this is just a superficial, because the deep cultural and political of both partiesThe psychological structure has not changed, and it is still on the extension of the storm.This time Cathay Pacific incident is just a manifestation of this psychological structure.When can Hong Kong society treat Mandarin who speak Mandarin equally, the mainland and Hong Kong can get out of the "arrogant and inferiority" in the center of the mainland and Hong Kong.Saying "one country, two systems" is successful.