In the early May of May, Cantraon (Langkawi), who went to North Malaysia for a few days, was surprised to find this tourist attraction. There were electronic cigarette shops on several major streets.Those young people engaged in the tourism industry, no matter whether they are Chinese or Malay, are almost smoking electronic cigarettes, as if they have become new fashion.

The Malaysian government has just implemented a new tax law just on April 1 this year, stipulating that the sales, imports and manufacturing can be exempted by Nichotine's sales, imports, and manufacturing in electronic cigarette products, but they must pay taxes. Simply put, it is legalized.Although the legalization of electronic cigarettes can bring some new taxes to the government, many Malaysians are worried, and this move will pay a major health price.The survey shows that Malaysia's electronic smokers have increased year by year in recent years.Since 2011, the usage rate of electronic cigarettes has risen from 0.8%to 4.9%in 2019, and has risen further to 5.4%in 2020.There is no doubt that after legalization, the popularity of electronic cigarettes will become more rapid.

Singapore, which is only separated from Malaysia, is prohibited from electronic cigarettes.However, there are a considerable number of smokers in this place. No wonder there are illegal people who have worked with the smuggling of electronic cigarettes.At the end of March this year, the Police and the Health Science Bureau cracked more than 85,000 electronic cigarettes and related accessories, which was the largest local electronic cigarette smuggling case so far.In a banning electronic cigarette operation in October 2021, the Health Science and Technology Bureau also won 10,000 and 57 electronic cigarettes, 48,822 smoke bombs and 187 e -cigarette oil.At that time, the total black market price of the batch of items exceeded 2.2 million yuan.

Two non -governmental communication neighbors, because of different political conditions and different policies, will cause some entanglements.For example, in the subject of death penalty, Malaysia has adopted a different position, which basically abolish the forced death penalty.Singapore's position on the death penalty is unswerving, and those who trafficking and drug transport may face the death penalty.This also allows us to be interfered in both law enforcement and justice.For example, if the Malaysian man Nagada Dharma was dealt with, from prison to the death penalty, Singapore has always faced the pressure of public opinion in some Malaysian legal circles and human rights organizations.

Similarly, it is illegal to sucking marijuana in Singapore, but the neighboring Thailand followed the Western trend in June last year to legalize marijuana.In the past six months, the phenomenon of surge in sales bases is attracting domestic and foreign attention, especially for passengers.In addition to forming a temptation to tourists, the Thai people are facing greater harm; in November last year, two photos of two children who were less than 10 years old in the streets spread to Thailand, causing social shock.Law of sinfulness.Statistics show that Thailand has 1%of teenagers in 2019, but the number of people a year later has doubled to 2%. In 2021, it further increased to 2.5%, which was hundreds of thousands of people.Like the Malaysian electronic cigarettes, after the legalization of marijuana, the sellers will inevitably try their best to promote, and the inhabitants will inevitably increase day by day.

Singapore has always tried to resist the world's tide of marijuana co -ization, mainly because the Singaporean government has the ability to control cannabis.Although in the face of foreign pressure, the government has always insisted on dealing with drug trafficking and drug transport people with severe laws to effectively stop the flood of drugs.Essence

It is worth our discussion. Why are many governments from all over the world unable to control electronic cigarettes, marijuana and other drugs in their society?Simply put, it is a lack of governance.Fighting and controlling cigarettes, marijuana, and other drugs, there is no powerful governance, because these addictive things have powerful power support behind them.In terms of ordinary cigarettes, in the United States, the forces of interest groups such as tobacco companies and marijuana companies are very large, so they can legalize electronic cigarettes and marijuana by speaking, influencing and left -right politics.

Other more addictive drugs such as opium, heroin, and various synthetic drugs are behind the huge multinational drug groups and gangsters from various places. They can often buy law enforcement officers and some politicians through money, resulting in manyLocal law enforcement is invalid.The Golden Triangle, which is not far away from us, is one of the notorious drugs and drug lord base camps.Some South American countries are also the main distribution among the world's drugs.The drug lords in these places even have their own armed forces that can fight against government forces.

The United States does not have a drug lord with armed forces, but it is a typical example of a drug flood. The refraction is also the government's weak control of drugs.In recent years, the most harmful in the United States is Opioid, especially Fentanyl.A special article published in the magazine of Foreign Affairs on the 15th of this month states that the United States is now positive for the most serious drug proliferation in the history.From August 2021 to August 2022, in just one year, a total of more than 100,000 people died of a fate for abuse of drugs (drugs).The mortality has doubled in years.The main cause of death is to take too much fentanyl.The average of 200 people daily daily daily death.

According to online information, Handica's artificial synthetic opium drugs are more than 50 times more toxic than heroin.Fentany itself is actually an analgesic and anesthesiologist. The analgesic effect is 100 times stronger than morphine. It is generally taken for patients or cancer patients after surgery.Why did Fennei, which was originally used as a medical treatment, turned into a drug?In addition to analgesic, this substance also has a strong excitement and illusion effect. Therefore, it is given to drug dealers to make various drugs, including different forms such as injection, smelling, and orally.In the United States, opium drugs are prescription drugs and are easy to buy.

The abuse of drugs in the United States is serious and has its own social reasons, but in recent years, it has blame China in China, which is produced and exported to Fentney.In September last year, at the interview with the news weekend (current foreign minister), the then Chinese ambassador to the United States, said: "China has always had deep sympathy and emphasis on the anti -drug cause of the United States and countries in the world, and has been in the United Nations.Under the framework of the anti -drug convention, the international anti -drug law enforcement cooperation has been vigorously carried out, and the international community has given full recognition and respect. "Qin Gang pointed out:" But it also regrets that some people in the United States claim that China is the main in the United States Fantanic substanceSource country. Recently, there are media articles saying that "China will enter the United States in a large amount of Finni", which is the "revenge on the Opium War". "" These remarks and accusations are completely misleading and have no basis. "

In order to control the imports of Fen Taoni, the United States and China have collaborated on illegal trafficking, but drug dealers use the US nearly neighbor Mexico as the Fentney production base and supply.The abuse of drugs and drugs in American society is long. The difference is just the type of drugs.The fact is that the British and American countries forcibly sold opium to China to make big money and poison the Chinese with force. The United States now sells opioids to the people legally.Who can blame?

The flood of various drugs, many countries have successively fell due to the loss of control and control capabilities. Relatively speaking, Singapore has now become a rare pure land in one side, which has caused most people to be relieved of drugs.But now we have begun to shout in the so -called social movement. We must completely abolish the death penalty and attach foreign noise. They accuse our punishment for drug dealers ruthlessly and cruel.Their voice still seems to be quite weak, but with the gradual westernization of social values, will their voice get louder and louder?