Source: Wind Media "Wind Review"

Taiwan and the United States jointly announced on the 19th that the "Taiwan -US 21st Century Trade Initiative" completed the first batch of agreement negotiations, and it is expected that the "First Agreement" will be signed within a few weeks.The completion of this official claim is the most important economic and trade agreement of Taiwan and the United States. In addition to celebrating and affirming, the public and enterprises must be curious, and they can't help asking: Where is the beef?

The Economic and Trade Negotiation Office of the Executive Yuan announced recently that the Taiwan -American 21st Century Trade initiative has completed the negotiations of five issues such as the convenience of trade, SMEs, domestic rules and regulations, anti -corruption, and good legal operations.Seven issues such as digital trade, labor, environmental protection, and standards must be completed.The Economic and Trade Office emphasized that Taiwan and the United States jointly believe that this will be a moment of historical significance of bilateral economic and trade relations in Taiwan and the United States.US trade representative Dai Qi also said that this represents an important step forward in strengthening the economic relations of the United States and Taiwan.

As the most significant and historic economic and trade agreement between Taiwan and the United States, in addition to showing the deepening and friendly "metaphysical" relationship in addition to showing the deepening of Taiwan -US relations and the key points of the "Taiwan -American 21st Century Trade Initiative", the core and focus of a economic and trade agreement should be.There are more "metaphysics", even vulgar, and realistic economic and trade interests for the people and enterprises to expect, but from the current information and understanding, the "real profit" part feels lack of.

Look at the content of the first batch of agreements.In terms of "good legal operations", it is mainly that "regulating the central administrative organs should adopt the principle of perfect and transparentness when formulating regulations, and the impact on SMEs should be considered."What is "perfect and transparent principle", is space flushing and metaphysics?

For the "domestic rules and regulations", when it is said that when the government issues a license application, "" executes a reasonable, objective, fair, and independent way in the issuance procedure. "What is "reasonable, objective, fair, independent"?Even for the "SMEs" that should be more profitable, it is probably such as "cooperating to increase business opportunities for small and medium -sized enterprises to promote employment and growth of small and medium -sized enterprises on both sides ...".

These words are very good, all correct, but like nonsense, or even so -to formulate regulations "adopting the principle of perfecting and transparentness", this kind of words are actually equal to vain.

What is even more ridiculous is that all economic and trade negotiations and agreements are all "available", that is, some parts are profit A, and parties B are refunded, and some parts are vice versa.However, the agreement of Taiwan and the United States seems to be more like what the United States requires Taiwan to do. For exampleHow should Taiwan ask the United States to "formulate the principles of comprehensive and transparentness when formulating regulations, but it is very" suspicious ". Think about it carefully, maybe?

This kind of "unprofitable" and nearly unequal situation, from another content, can be seen: "Anti -corruption" clause, which is said to "Taiwan and the United States together to prevent affecting international tradeAnd bribery and corruption of investment "and so on.

Anti -corruption and bribery are things that every normal government should do. Whether this Taiwan -US trade agreement is the same.But from the perspective of legislation, this content is more like letting Taiwan cooperate with the needs of the United States.

The United States is a governor of illegal governments such as "favorite" in the world. The cause is that in the Watergate case in the 1970s, it was unexpectedly discovered that American companies were not bribing foreign government officials scandal. Therefore, since 1977, "overseas anti -corruption behavior was formulated"Fa" prohibit American citizens and corporate bribes of foreign government officials.

The long -arms jurisdiction of the United States hegemony without far -end, after several amendments plus the explanation of explanations, the U.S. government can almost control all corruption cases around the world -the bill stipulates "any or or with"The United States related bribery behavior", regardless of whether the company is related to the United States or whether the bribery behavior is in the United States, it is under its jurisdiction.Almost no one can avoid.Used to control foreign and foreign businessmen, even worse, the United States has the suspicion of using this law and jurisdiction to fight against competitors for its own company Zhang Ben and fight against competitors.

Therefore, the anti -corruption clauses in the Taiwan -US agreement are essentially Taiwan to cooperate with the United States' anti -corruption. By the agreement, the "long arm" in the United States can reach Taiwan.─In Taiwan, can Taiwan go to the United States to investigate and punish bribes and corruption in the United States?Don't make trouble.

The Cai government is anxious to sign the "first batch of agreements". Whether it is intentionally able to use the performance and publicize the unprecedented and good political considerations of Taiwan -US relations before the election. Although the outside world has speculation, it is difficult to determine.But no matter how much political considerations are, it is advisable to give some "beef" as an economic and trade agreement.In addition to the "convenience of trade" that belongs to the "trade convenience" of administrative procedures and technical levels, it is a bit of positive benefits to enterprises and from the perspective of economic and trade profits.