Source: Bloomberg

Indonesia, the largest economy in Southeast Asia, is about to usher in a huge US trade delegation, which is one of the best in history; the United States tries to respond to China's rapid expansion in Indonesia.

About 100 executives of more than 30 American companies will visit Jakarta this week to discuss which investment opportunities in the country and the entire region are.Essence

The Council stated in the statement that they are eager to participate in the fields of digital economy, tourism, manufacturing, medical and health and energy transformation.

At present, China ’s influence in Indonesia is increasing, especially in the field of important mineral reserves, which has attracted the attention of Washington.

The blunt Indonesian marine affairs and investment coordination minister Luhut Panjaitan said that Indonesia always welcomes investment in the United States, but passively watching this is the choice of the United States.In the past ten years, China has invested billions of dollars to Indonesia's natural resources, while American companies are cautious.

"We can't keep asking and praying for you," Panjaitan said when he mentioned the United States."You may be dissatisfied because we have trade with other countries, but we have to survive."

Ahmad Syarif, deputy managing director of strategic consulting company Bower Group Asia, said that it is not too late to catch up with the United States now.

"The right time to carry out commercial transactions in Indonesia is now, and the government hopes to reach a transaction," Syarif said.He added that recently provided investors with a series of tax benefits and other exemptions.

Indonesia "cherishes the trade delegation, but whether the success depends on whether the funds will flow in rapidly," he said.