Hong Kong Business and Economic Development Director Qiu Yinghua revealed that Hong Kong plans to hold the "Hong Kong Festival" before the third quarter of this year to promote the Hong Kong brand to enter the Chinese market.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Commercial Radio and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that Qiu Yinghua said on Wednesday (March 6) in the millennium of Hong Kong and Taiwan programs in the morning that Hong Kong's fiscal budget this year should be set up. 5HK $ 100 million (below, about 86 million S $ 86 million) assisted enterprises such as cross -border e -commerce to make good use of information technology systems and upgraded the "BUD Special Fund".

Qiu Yinghua said that under the BUD special fund, the enterprise can use 1 million yuan to implement e -commerce projects in the cumulative funding limit of 7 million yuan.Promote the development of e -commerce in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Business and Economic Development Bureau established a specialized group of e -commerce development in January this year, and held the first meeting.Qiu Yinghua revealed on Tuesday that the meeting studied how to promote Hong Kong products and brands into mainland China and overseas markets.He believes that Hong Kong products entering the mainland market are not easy, because the mainland market is very large and "take step by step", so he hopes to help enterprises enter the mainland market first and then go out of the overseas market.

Qiu Yinghua revealed that Hong Kong plans to hold the Hong Kong Festival before the third quarter of this year to introduce the Hong Kong brand to enter the mainland inner field.He said how to promote the awareness of the Hong Kong brand to the mainland platform and set the top on the mainland platform are all issues that need to be considered.

He said that the price of sales products in Hong Kong is one of the considerations, so he hopes to reduce the cost of sales products to increase competitiveness, but he believes that the mainland is very confident in the Hong Kong brand.