Hong Kong Financial Chief Chen Maobo announced that it will be fully revoked from now on.Extra stamp duty, buyer stamp duty, new residential stamp duty and other real estate market cooling measures.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that when Chen Maobo announced a new fiscal budget on Wednesday (February 28)Property demand management measures include additional stamp duty, buyer stamp duty, and new residential stamp duty.

He said that the Hong Kong HKMA amended the inverse cycle macro -prudential supervision measures for property mortgage loans last July.Considering the economic situation of the periphery and Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Government believes that under the premise of continuing to maintain the stability of the banking system, there is currently some space to further revise relevant measures and adjust other regulatory policies related to property loans.Essence

Chen Maobo said that with the continuous changes in the economic and social environment, the process of economic recovery in Hong Kong last year needs to be strengthened.The Hong Kong stock market was adjusted for most of the time last year, the transaction volume was reduced, and the Hang Seng Index fell 13.8%throughout the year.In terms of the residential property market, property prices fell 7%throughout the year last year.

He said that the Hong Kong government will adopt a fiscal integration strategy this year to gradually narrow the deficit. It is expected that economic growth will be between 2.5 and 3.5 this year.The overall inflation rate is 2.4%.