The steps of recovery after the tourism industry in Hong Kong are slow, and the Chinese government may recently expand Hong Kong and Macao free cities, so that more people in the mainland can travel to Hong Kong.However, whether this measure can regain the Hong Kong economy as in 2003, the industry has different views.

Xia Baolong, the director of China Hong Kong and Macao Office, who is in charge of Hong Kong affairs, visited Hong Kong in April last year, and went to Hong Kong for a seven -day investigation on Thursday (February 22).After he took the plane to Hong Kong that morning, he first listened to the development of the "airport city" of the "airport city" at the airport. In the afternoon, he went to the government headquarters to listen to the main officials of the SAR government.

Chen Guoji, director of the Hong Kong Government Department of Government Affairs, told the media that the SAR Government introduced Xia Baolong at the symposium to Xia Baolong's economic, people's livelihood, regional governance, and 23 legislation.

The Hong Kong and Macau Office quoted Xia Baolong that he went to Hong Kong to investigate and investigate this time to understand the situation of Hong Kong's economic development and regional governance.Prosperity and stability, promote the "one country, two systems", stable and far away.

Xia Baolong also said that Hong Kong International Airport is a world -renowned gold signboard. The central government will continue to support Hong Kong to expand the aviation network and further consolidate and enhance the status of Hong Kong's international aviation hub.

According to Hong Kong media reports, the Hong Kong Government has previously required increased in the number of mainland tourists to Hong Kong and has been actively responded to the central government. The official may announce relevant measures in the near future that it is expected to include cities covered with free administrative policies.

At present, residents in 49 cities in mainland China can travel to Hong Kong through free administrative policies, mainly in provincial capital cities in first -tier cities and economically developed regions.Mainland residents who are not in these 49 cities must report to the tour group to Hong Kong.

Yang Runxiong, the director of Culture, Sports and Tourism, said on Thursday that mainland China is still the most important source of passengers in Hong Kong, maintaining 80 % of the total number of passengers, and play a pivotal role in Hong Kong's tourism industry.Market propaganda and open up the Muslim passenger market.

Hong Kong tourism and related industries welcomes Beijing's may consider expanding the free travel of Hong Kong and Macau.Xu Wang Meilun, chairman of the Hong Kong Tourism Council, said that if there is no popularity, it will be said that the central government will open more free cities, not only limited to the Greater Bay Area, but it can be a remote place.

She also said that there are many large -scale events in Hong Kong, including culture, sports, etc. The industry can connect these activities to provide new tourism products; as long as tourism products are good, they can make Hong Kong brands.Attract tourists from all over the world.

Beijing launched the Hong Kong free travel policy in July 2003, which has an immediate effect on the Hong Kong tourism industry, which is sluggish in Shas.According to data from the Hong Kong Tourism Development Bureau, tourists from mainland China have increased year by year from 6.83 million in 2002, and the highest peak in 2018 reached 50.8 million.

However, Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer at the Hong Kong Specialty College of Hong Kong University of Technology, believes that expanding the free travel of Hong Kong and Macau may not be able to regain the Hong Kong economy as in 2003.

Chen Weiqiang said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post: "In the past, the mainland people liked to come to Hong Kong to buy things, but in the past three years, the epidemic has changed the life model.Mainlanders come to Hong Kong.

He believes that this time Xia Baolong's visit to Hong Kong is the focus of 23 legislation; once 23 legislation is passed, it will strengthen the protection of Hong Kong in the national security field, consolidate Hong Kong's business environment, and let the society focus on the development of economic and people's livelihood.The help of Hong Kong economy is even greater.