Zhang Qizhong, an associate professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Hong Kong, appealed directly, and the case was re -tried.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that Zhang Qizhong was involved in a wire in Hong Kong's dormitory to kill his wife, and then transported his wife's body to his office with his homemade wooden box.After the interrogation, Zhang Qizhong was convicted of murder in a 5-2 major ratio and sentenced to life imprisonment in accordance with the case.

Zhang Qizhong did not accept conviction and filed an appeal. The case was tried on Friday (February 2) in the appeal court. After listening to the words of the two parties, the three judges ruled that Zhang Qizhong's case of killing his wife was directly obtained and the case was canceled.Back to the High Court and re -judged by another judge.

Zhang Qizhong was accused of murdering his wife Chen Huiwen in Hong Kong on August 17, 2018.He denied the crime of murder and wanted to admit that he was misunderstood but was not accepted by the prosecution.He also acknowledged a crime to prevent legal burial.

Zhang Qizhong's appeal on behalf of the lawyer Li Yan pointed out that Zheng Jianrong, a clinical psychologist of the defense and witness, pointed out that the defendant would affect the judgment of judgment by great pressure.The other two psychiatric doctors have excluded the defense expert certification of the factors for the loss of mental failure.The prosecution responded that the defense stated that the psychologist's confession was to commit crimes against the defendant for being provoked and related to liability, but the impact was not great.

After listening to Chen's words, the Judge of the Appeals Division ruled that Zhang Qizhong's killing of his wife appealed upright and would promulgate written verdicts within two months.