In recent years, many foreign investment has withdrawn from Hong Kong, but last year, 382 foreign companies were still in the Hong Kong Investment and Promotion Agency to open or expand their business in Hong Kong, with a number of about 27%year -on -year.The Department said that this year it will be strengthened in Southeast Asia and the Middle East.

The data released by the Hong Kong Investment Promotion Agency on Friday (February 2) shows that the above 382 companies are from 45 economies, of which the most Chinese companies are the most, a total of 136; followed by Britain, the United States, and Singapore48, 34 and 27.In the first year of operation, these enterprises brought a total of 61.6 billion Hong Kong dollars (S $ 10.5 billion) in the Hong Kong economy and created more than 4,100 new positions.

According to the industry distribution, of the 382 companies, financial and finance and fintech are the first, with a total of 90; the rest are innovation and technology, professional services, tourism and hospitality, and consumer products.

Although the number of foreign companies that went to Hong Kong to develop business last year increased, another data released by the Hong Kong Government Statistics Office last month showed that only 1,336 foreign companies used Hong Kong as the regional headquarters last year, which was 75 from last year.More than 5%, a 13.3%decrease from 1541 in the peak period in 2019, which is also a new low since 2012.

The Director of the Hong Kong Investment Promotion Department Liu Kaixuan said at a press conference on Friday that although there are still uncertain factors in the world economy, the number of corporate numbers assisted by the department will continue to grow.Deployment, Hong Kong is the preferred business base, and multinational companies and merchants have returned.

She also said that the department will continue to promote the advantages of Hong Kong according to the established goals. Financial services, innovation technology and family offices will be a more popular industry.In addition, the Department will continue to visit Europe, America, the Middle East, and Belt and Road countries in the next year, and Southeast Asia and the Middle East will be developed this year.

For the lobbying role of the Investment Promotion Department after the Hong Kong Government launched 23 legislative consultations, Liu Kaixuan said that 23 legislative procedures have been speaking for a while, and the department has been discussing related issues with many chambers of commerce or foreign consuls.It is said that Britain and the United States or other countries have the laws to maintain national security, and they will also pay attention to details, but they will not worry about the legislation affecting business to make money. She quoted 80%of the Chamber of Commerce that there is no plan or special consideration.

Shao Zhiyao, a senior investor in Hong Kong, analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. In recent years, many foreign companies have left Hong Kong, but the number of foreign investment in Hong Kong opened a company last year has increased.As a result, the number last year was much more than the previous year.In addition, mainland China is in poor economy, and some companies hope to come to Hong Kong to develop and transfer funds to Hong Kong.

Shao Zhiyao believes that the business environment in Hong Kong was convenient, but in recent years, it has become more and more inconvenient. For example, the degree of electronicization is far behind the surrounding areas.It will affect Hong Kong's attraction to foreign companies. "