The Hong Kong Government launched the Legislative Public Consultation Article 23 of the Basic Law on Tuesday (January 30), which attracted the attention of the international community.However, the U.S. government, which has always been actively voiced in Hong Kong's affairs, stated that it would not be careful that the final legislative plan would affect American nationals, investment and American companies operating in Hong Kong in Hong Kong.

Scholars of interviewees believe that the current US issue in the Middle East is required to be in China, and the response to Hong Kong issues in the short term will not be too intense.

After the Hong Kong government announced 23 legislated public consultations , , , , , , , ,, , ,,, , ,, ,, ,, ,,, , ,, ,,, ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, .The European Union and the United Kingdom immediately issued a statement that .

The Hong Kong Ming Daily reported that the US Consulate in Hong Kong and Macau only responded until Thursday that because countries have a large number of direct investment in Hong Kong and a large number of overseas people live in Hong Kong, the United States and many countries pay close attention to 23 legislation.How the legislative plan affects American nationals, investment, and American companies operating in Hong Kong.

The United States pointed out that 23 legislative voices have been disciplined by the Hong Kong National Security Law and incitement.In the face of any behavior that uses national security laws to suppress speech or weaken Hong Kong's democracy, speech and basic freedom, and even transnational targets, the United States will continue to speak.

In recent years, the United States has actively paid attention to Hong Kong and speaks from Hong Kong affairs from time to time.For example, Li Zhiying, the founder of Hong Kong One Media Li Zhiying and the Apple Daily, were charged with the crime of collusion with foreign forces. When the trial was started on December 18 last year, the United States except the representatives of the consulate in Hong Kong attended the audience.Published a statement, condemned China to sue Li Zhiying in China, and called for Beijing.The Hong Kong Government respects the freedom of the press and immediately releases Li Zhiying.

Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer of Hong Kong University of Technology Hong Kong Specialty College, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that recently, the Pakistani conflict has no signs of ease, and the Red Sea crisis has continued to intensify.// "rel = noFollow target = _blank> hopes that China urges Iran to contain the Youth Martyrs' ships to attack the Red Sea Merchants , so it will be slightly on the issue of Hong Kong.concession.

He said whether the U.S. government will speculate on the issue of Hong Kong or take action in the future, depending on the international situation in the second half of the year.If the United States succeeds in escaping from the Middle East, it will re -put their energy to curb China.

Taiwan Central News Agency quoted Hong Kong current affairs commentator Liu Ruishao's analysis, recently Chinese Foreign Minister KingYi met with the US President's National Security Affairs Assistant, Shaliwen , and the Sino -US Financial Working Group held talks in Beijing for the first time. In the case of temporarily eased Sino -US relations, I believe that the United States' response to 23 legislation in Hong Kong will not be too much.fierce.

Liu Ruishao believes that the Hong Kong Government uses the opportunity to temporarily ease Sino -US relations and launch 23 legislative consultations.He also said that the specific content of the discussion provisions is not very meaningful. The most important thing is to see how to implement it in the future.