Affected by the increase in the number of fraud cases, Hong Kong's overall crime last year increased by nearly 30 % year -on -year.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Ming Pao Newspaper and Commercial Radio reported that Xiao Zeyi, Director of the Hong Kong Police Department Xiao Zeyi on Tuesday (January 30), pointed out in the overall public security situation of the Legislative Council that the overall crime in 2023 reached 90,0000 276, an increase of about 29%year -on -year, and the overall case breaking rate was 31.1%.

Xiao Zeyi explained that the increase in number is related to the increase in fraud cases.Hong Kong recorded a scam of 39,824 last year, accounting for 44%of the total crime, and it rose about 43%from 2022. The amount involved exceeded 9 billion (Hong Kong dollars, the same below, about S $ 1.1 billion).Cases involving online fraud accounted for 70 % of the total number of fraud cases.

Xiao Zeyi said that the police will continue to strengthen the loss of the victim by strengthening the law enforcement, intercepting fraud, and scamming and warning, and pointed out that the anti -fraud coordination center "Anti -fraud and Easy 18222" hotline received 5 last year received 5 last year.Twenty -00 passed calls, and it also successfully intercepted Hong Kong dollars of fraud.