Chen Maobo, the director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, delivered a speech at the 2024 Hong Kong Capital Market Forum on Tuesday (January 30) that Hong Kong is currently discussing with mainland regulatory agencies to accelerate the approval enterprise to go public in Hong Kong.

According to the Hong Kong government communiqué, Chen Maobo said that as a free and open market, the Hong Kong capital market is highly connected with the international and mainland.Facing the global high -interest environment, the overlapping of multiple adverse factors, and the challenges of geopolitical politics, the Hong Kong's asset market has been affected in the past for a period of time, and certain fluctuations have occurred.

He pointed out that the Hong Kong government has been monitoring the market situation through cross -market linkage and all -weather ways. So far, no abnormal situation has been seen.The contact rate system is well operated.

Chen Maobo said that for the capital market in Hong Kong, there will be challenges and opportunities in the future. The key is how Hong Kong grasps well, uses its own unique advantages, and shares three points on this.

He proposed that he must continue to revitalize the financing market in Hong Kong.The focus is on how to attract Hong Kong platforms to more high -quality mainland and international companies to go public and financing in Hong Kong.Regarding the promotion of mainland companies to go public in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Government is actively actively related to the relevant regulatory agencies of the mainland to discuss the progress of accelerating the listing and approval of enterprises to go public in Hong Kong.The Hong Kong Government will also encourage companies in the Middle East and Southeast Asian countries to go public in Hong Kong.

Chen Maobo mentioned that we must continue to expand and deepen the interconnection with the financial markets of the mainland, and strengthen Hong Kong's position as an offshore RMB business hub.One of the important measures is to join the RMB trading counter at the "South Tongtong", allowing mainland investors to purchase Hong Kong stocks directly on the shore to facilitate their funds and reduce the risk of exchange rate exchange.

He also said that the development of assets and wealth management business to attract more funds to Hong Kong.The family office is one of the key points. The policy declaration issued by the Hong Kong Government last March, from providing tax benefits to the talent pool and service facilities of the family office, to the development of the Hong Kong Charity Center, a whole set of strategies have been introduced.EssenceIn recent months, the Hong Kong Government has announced the new capital investor entry plan, and it has also clarified the implementation rules of cross -border financial management optimization.