Following the promulgation of the Hong Kong National Security Law in 2020, the Hong Kong Government also launched a public consultation on the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law on Tuesday (January 30) of the Hong Kong Government.National security behavior.

Some interviewed scholars believe that the current political atmosphere in Hong Kong is different from 2003. I believe that the 23 Legislative Council is smooth when the legislation was first tried to legislation 21 years ago.

Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law stipulates that Hong Kong shall be legislated to prohibit any rebellion, split the country, incite the rebellion, subvert the central people's government, and steal the secrets of the state.Hong Kong's political organizations or groups are established with foreign political organizations or groups.The Hong Kong government tried to legislate in 2003. Unexpectedly, hundreds of thousands of people went to the streets to march, and the Hong Kong government finally retired.

The 23 legislative consultation documents announced by the Hong Kong Government on Tuesday have a total of nine chapters, together with 86 pages together with the attachments, and define the five types of behaviors and activities that endanger national security in detail, including "rebellion", "incitement of rebellion", "stealing the country"Confidentiality and spy behavior "" destruction activities that endanger national security "and" crime of overseas intervention ".

Among them, the "incitement of rebellion" will suggest that the object of incite the rebellion will expand the scope of government officials who are targeted at police officers, etc.In terms of "stealing national secrets and spy behaviors", it will regulate illegally acquisition and disclose national secrets, and suggest that regulations cover modern spy activities, such as overseas forces to release false or misleading messages through agents to interfere with Hong Kong affairs.

"Destruction of National Security", the document recommends that the laws that harm the national security through the electronic system will be added, and new crimes are regulated on the basis of the existing crime of "dishonest use of computer".The "crime of overseas intervention" prohibits anyone from cooperating with overseas forces to interfere with national or Hong Kong affairs, and suggests to amend the current regulations on the community, and prohibit political groups from connecting political organizations with foreign or Taiwan.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao emphasized that 23 legislation is the constitutional responsibility that Hong Kong has not yet performed in the 26 years of return. It must be done as soon as possible, especially after the 2019 "Hong Kong version of the color revolution", everyone understands the importance of Guoan.He emphasized that the relevant risks were serious, authentic, and sudden. Repairing the shortcomings in the early day, and the risk was one day less.

被问到有否评估23条立法后可能会再引起移民潮时,李家超认为,人会流向安全及稳定的地方,而当香港有安全稳定的环境时,“我相信这是让所有A positive and important element flowing to Hong Kong. "

The Hong Kong -made factions support 23 legislations of the Hong Kong Government.In 2003, Ye Liu Shuyi, then the director of the Hong Kong Security Bureau and the current convener of the Executive Council, who failed to legislate but failed in 2003, believes that the content of 23 legislative consultation documents of this year's SAR government is deeper and improved than 20 years ago, such as the crime of rebellion, indicating that it indicates that the crime of rebellion, indicating that it indicates that, indicating that the crime of the country shows that, it indicates thatIt is only applicable to Chinese people and exempt foreigners. It is the opinion made by the Hong Kong government's consultation in 2003 by the foreign chamber of commerce.

However, Luo Jianxi, chairman of the Hong Kong Democratic Party, believes that the Hong Kong Government will start public consultation on 23 legislation from Article 23. Until February 28, the consultation period is only about one month.It is recommended that the official extension of the consultation period allows Hong Kong people to discuss more time.

When asked about the influence of 23 legislation on the Democratic Party, Luo Jianxi said that the Democratic Party has never had crimes such as contacted with overseas forces.To endanger national security.

Liu Zhaojia, a consultant of the China Hong Kong and Macau Research Association, pointed out in an interview with the United Morning Post that at present, Hong Kong society has almost no opposition, and it is difficult to use 23 legislative issues to incite Hong Kong people to participate in the fighting movement. In addition, Hong Kong people have seen Western countries targeting China for China.The rise has a better understanding of national security issues. I believe that the 23 Legislative Council this time is smoother than 2003.

He believes that this time the United States and other Western countries will attack 23 legislation in Hong Kong through public opinion, and sing the legislation with the forces of overseas Hong Kong people in the anti -China -China chaos, incite the differentiation of Hong Kong people, and cause panic. It is expected that the central government will be inThe diplomatic level helps Hong Kong to fight international public opinion.