After Hong Kong returned to China in 1997, many fields have been deeply affected by Western ideology in the past 20 years.The judicial sectors, educational circles, and social workers' sectors of them have been regarded as the "three big mountains" of the Hong Kong issue because of the anti -regulating policy of Hong Kong -related policies in Beijing from time to time.

After the anti -revision of 2019, the Chinese government implemented the Hong Kong National Security Law and the "Patriot Governing Hong Kong". The main politicians of the Hong Kong democratic school were either trapped or overseas.Under the rectification of the Hong Kong Government, the three "big mountains" have undergone tremendous changes.

Taking the education community as an example, the political position of most Hong Kong teachers in the past is biased towards democratic factions, and it is one of the most firm supporters of the pan -people camp.In recent years, the Education Bureau requires that all publicly -funded schools and teachers to be promoted to the school must participate in the study group of mainland China and go to the mainland to learn about the national conditions in person.Starting last year, all new hired teachers must be obtained in the basic law and the Hong Kong National Security Law test.The Hong Kong Government has firmly controlled the education community through different measures.

Although the democratic forces that once set off the storm have basically disintegrated in the past three years, Hong Kong society has not been eager to end.Entering 2024, the new SAR Government faced the challenge of the new "three big mountains".

The first "big mountain" is a big problem that improves Hong Kong's economy.The Hong Kong economy has not been able to recover quickly after the crown disease. When the Financial Secretary Chen Maobo issued a 2023/24 year fiscal budget in February last year, it was expected that Hong Kong 2023 was expected to occur between 3.5%and 5.5%.In the end, it was only 3.2%, and the original expected goal was not achieved.

Last year, the Hong Kong property market and stock market continued to fall sharply.International Financial Center Site " reflects investors lack confidence in Hong Kong's prospects.In addition, Hong Kong people fell to the north after the epidemic .Passengers' shopping in Hong Kong has greatly affected the Hong Kong economy.According to data from the Hong Kong government, the switching and switch after the epidemic was from February to November last year. The total value value of the retail industry in Hong Kong is estimated to be only 341.4 billion Hong Kong dollars (S $ 58.6 billion), which is about 15.5%less than the same period before the epidemic.

The steps of economic recovery in Hong Kong are slow, which is not related to the performance of the SAR government as expected.Of course, another reason is that Hong Kong is dependent on the economic lips and teeth of mainland China, the mainland's economy is poor, and Hong Kong will not be good.

The Hong Kong Research Association visited 1027 Hong Kong people in January this year. The results showed that among the nine policies of the Hong Kong government, the minimum score in the continuous development of the economy was written, and the new lows in the survey have been written in one year.

The Hong Kong Institute of Public Opinion, another poll, visited about 1,000 Hong Kong people in early January this year. It also found that the net value of the Chief Executive Li Jiachang and the Hong Kong Government's net worth all fell, and the decline was significant.The results of both polls show that the economic development is not good, and the dissatisfaction of the Hong Kong government's dissatisfaction with the Hong Kong government is gradually heating up.

The second "Dashan" to be solved by the Hong Kong government, It is necessary to complete Article 23 of the Basic Law .According to the Hong Kong Basic Law, the Hong Kong Government has the constitutional responsibility of Article 23 to legislate.In 2019, anti -repair storms broke out, and it also revealed that there was serious loopholes in the national security field of Hong Kong, and it became a zone for external forces to "drill empty".With Article 23 of the legislation has been put on the legislative agenda this year, it is reported that the Hong Kong Government will start public consultation as soon as the lunar calendar will be the next month.If there is no accident, 23 articles should be successfully completed in the first half of this year.

Hong Kong is the most open city in China.Facing the current international situation of China and the United States and the increasingly complicated and dangerous, the Hong Kong Government completed 23 legislation as soon as possible, which will undoubtedly ensure that the laws of the Guoan of Hong Kong can be fully ensured, so that the foreign forces of the chaos can no longer be arbitrarily arbitrarily.However, many people are also concerned that after 23 legislations, they will weaken Hong Kong's original unique economic advantages and scare a large number of foreign capital.

Some questions from the outside world may be a bit exaggerated, but many Hong Kong people are really worried.During the 23 legislation process, it is important to whether it can remove the public, especially the public, and other foreign capital.Otherwise, the weak Hong Kong economy will go to another trough at any time because of 23 legislation.

As for the third "Da Mountain", A>.The Hong Kong Government planned to implement garbage fees in Hong Kong earlier, the original intention was to reduce waste.This policy is just a matter of people's livelihood, and there are too many affected people. Almost everyone in Hong Kong is complaining.The official face of social disputes has continued, and it has not been fully implemented until August 1 this year.

However, some political investigations reflect many citizens who still have many questions about the charging model and fines, and there are still many questions in the internal faction.If the Hong Kong Government is not handled well, once it is rushed to be implemented, it may arouse the opposition of citizens across Hong Kong and bring a fatal blow to the official governance.

The Hong Kong government has been busy fighting with the opposition in the past 20 years; as Hong Kong politics has changed significantly, there is no opposition, only internal people's livelihood issues.If the Hong Kong Government must obey Beijing politically, such as 23 legislations, such as improving economic and garbage fees in terms of people's livelihood, there is no excuse to do well.If officials from Hong Kong Government fail to make political achievements, I am afraid it will also attract Beijing criticism.Everyone is paying attention to how the Hong Kong government demolish these three "big mountains" this year.