The latest data released by the Hong Kong Renxipo Price Administration showed that Hong Kong's property price index fell for eight consecutive months in December last year, writing a new low in seven months.

Comprehensive Ming Pao and Radio of Hong Kong reported that the latest data released by the Hong Kong Valuation Department on Monday (January 29) showed that the property price index of private houses in Hong Kong fell to 312.1 points last December, and fell on a monthly decline on a monthly decline.1.39%, falling eight months in a row.

The property price index of Hong Kong last December was the lowest after January 309.7, 2017.Summarizing the whole year of last year, the Hong Kong property price index fell about 6.8%, falling for two consecutive years, nearly 22%from the historical high set in 2021.

In addition, Hong Kong's private residential rent index at 187.1 points in December last year was a new high since December 189.7, 2019, a monthly increase of nearly 0.9%, the largest monthly increase in four months.Hong Kong's cumulative rents rose 6.6%last year, reversing the decline the previous year.