Monday and Hong Kong on Monday (January 29) will be recognized and implemented with each other.

According to the client of the Yangcheng School, the Chinese Supreme People's Court and the Hong Kong Department of Justice announced on Monday at 10 am on Monday in Hong Kong.The arrangements of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Court's recognition and implementation of the judgment of civil and commercial cases have taken effect at the same time in the two places.

So far, all the nine civilian and business assistance documents signed by mainland China and Hong Kong since the return of Hong Kong have taken effect.

Arrange the scope of mutual recognition and implementation of civil and commercial cases and the content of the judgment of civil and commercial cases, the procedures and methods of applying for recognition and execution, the situation of non -recognition and execution, and the relief pathway.

For the recognition and implementation of the judgment, the applicant can submit a judgment to the applicant's residence or the place where the applicant's residence and the place where the property are located in mainland ChinaThe judgment of applying for applied and executing arrangements to the High Court is submitted.

Si Yanli, deputy director of the Supreme Court of China, said in an exclusive interview with Yangcheng Evening News: "After arranging the effectiveness, about 90%of the courts of the two places will be recognized and executed."

Si Yanli pointed out that there are still some cases that have not been included in the scope of mutual recognition and execution, including some marriage and family cases, inheritance cases, some patent infringement cases, some maritime and seafront cases, bankruptcy (liquidation) cases,, liquidation),, liquidation) cases, liquidation (liquidation) cases, and cases (liquidation) cases, and cases (liquidation) cases.Determine voters' qualifications, cases related to arbitration, etc.

Si Yanli introduced that in the past three years, the people's courts at all levels in mainland China have reviewed more than 55,000 cases involving Hong Kong and business in Hong Kong.It accounts for two -thirds of China and shows a steady rise.

Hong Kong lawyer He Junyao said that the effectiveness of the arrangement has played a positive role in fulfilling the right to win the cross -border dispute.Responsibility, or if you have assets in the Mainland, but after doing breach of contract in Hong Kong, you will not work in the Mainland to avoid legal responsibility.