The system failure on the day of the election of the Hong Kong District Council caused the voting to be postponed. The election committee found that the technical team of the Election Affairs Office did not fully perform a load test, nor did it make a systematic failure.It also missed the votes of 21 voting stations.

Comprehensive Network Media "Hong Kong 01" and Sing Tao Daily reported that during the district parliamentary election on December 10 last year, the electronic voter registration book system failed, resultingThe chief Li Jiachao became the election management committee to set up a special responsibility team to investigate the incident.

The Election Management Committee held a press conference on Friday (January 26), saying that the main reason for the accident was that the technical team of the Election Affairs Office changed the electronic voters' registration book system, and did not fully conduct the traffic bearing test.It did not explain the system changes to the rear supervision mechanism, which led to nearly 100%of the central processor load of the system central processor that day, and eventually it was overwhelmed.

After the system fails, the elected paper votes need to be used to order tickets, but the 2138 votes of 2138 votes located at the police station and the Correction Institute were missed. Therefore, the final voting rate was from 27.54%Increase to 27.59%, but the election results are not affected.The selection and management association believes that the incident is "wrong under time". The staff worked under the "great pressure" that day, and the error can be understood.

Hong Kong 01 reported that at the press conference, Lu Qikang, the chairman of the Selection and Management Association, and the chairman of the Specialty Investigation Team and members of the Election Management Association, responded to the problem, but Huang Wenchao, the general election director of the Election Affairs Office, and election affairsWeng Huiqing, director of information technology management, did not say a word.Even when the reporter's name requires the election affairs office to respond to the responsibility, Lu Qikang or the text is answered.Lu Qikang said that in order to find the cause of the accident, the investigation should not be responded by the department representatives.

Ye Liu Shuyi, chairman of the New Democratic Party, the convener of the Executive Council and the Legislative Council member, bluntly stated that the incident is difficult to understand, it is a low -level error, the practice is unacceptable, and the incident has a great impact on its party.Do a sufficient load test.

Jiang Yuhuan, a member of the Legislative Council, also criticized the irresponsibility of the relevant technical team and "without full homework", which caused a serious incident that affects both the election and the image of Hong Kong.Resign.