In response to the Hong Kong -related statements in the name of the British and American countries in the name of the Freedom of the Media, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded, and urged relevant countries to face the reality of Hong Kong's return to China and abandon the colonial mentality.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Tuesday (January 2) that it is aimed at discrediting the interviewing Hong Kong's press freedom in the name of "media freedom alliance" and attacking the special law enforcement of the SAR Government.The Chinese side expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition for Li Zhiying and other anti -China -China -Random ports.

Wang Wenbin pointed out that cases such as "Asanic" and "Snowden" have long made the world see clearly.These countries do not care about the freedom of news.

Wang Wenbin said that they (these countries) took the banner of "freedom of the press" and said to Hong Kong affairs.Privileges and influence, but these are futile.

He mentioned that Hong Kong is a society in rule of law, and it must be based on law.Since the implementation of the National Security Law, Hong Kong society has changed from chaos to governance, from governance and prosperity, and the justice of the rule of law has been stretched. Hong Kong residents, including the freedom of news and freedom, have legitimate rights and freedoms.It is easy to guarantee that the number of international media and reporters in Hong Kong has continued to increase before the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law. This is an fact that no one who does not prejudice cannot be denied.

He also pointed out that in recent years, hundreds of countries have continuously disclosed the voice of human rights at the Third Committee of the United Nations (the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly) and the Human Rights Council.Expressing support for China fully illustrates justice and comfort.

Wang Wenbin said that China urges relevant countries to face the fact that Hong Kong has returned to China and abandon the colonial mentality.The idea of ​​intervening in Hong Kong affairs under the guise of "freedom of the press" is destined to end in failure.

The statement issued by the Media Freedom Alliance refers to the law enforcement operations of Lugang and the founder of the first media Li Zhiying after the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law for the implementation of the Hong Kong Freedom.Both the Hong Kong Public Administration and the Chinese Embassy in the UK responded to express dissatisfaction and condemnation.