China officially announced that Uruguay's President Latrich will visit China for five days from Monday (November 20).

The official website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs released the news on Sunday (November 19), and Hua Chunying, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced that at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Uruguay President Luis Lacalle Pou will be onFrom November 20th to 24th, China visited China.

According to the official La Kali information released by China, La Kalile was born in 1973. He has served as a member, a member, a senator, and a senator.He was elected President Uruguay in November 2019 and has been working on March 1, 2020 to this day.

Uruguay is located between Brazil and Argentina, the largest two countries in Latin America. In 2022One of the higher countries.

A report from the Wall Street Journal pointed out this month that Uruguay has always tried to reach a free trade agreement with the United States, but it has not succeeded.At the same time, China has strengthened its good efforts to South America, including donating equipment and investment schools.

Latrich said in an interview that it was said that as a country with a population of less than 3.5 million and production far beyond consumption, Uruguay cannot pick three."We hope to reach a trade agreement with all countries."

Data show that China accounts for nearly 25%of the total exports of Uruguay and the United States accounts for 6%.