in Chinese President Xi Jinping President Xi JinpingLocal time on November 17th (Friday) said that it is necessary to maintain free and open trade investment, support and strengthen the multilateral trade system with the World Trade Organization as the core, and oppose political trade issues politically, weapons, and general security.Xi Jinping emphasized that China adheres to the path of peaceful development and the fundamental purpose of development is to let the Chinese people live a good life, not to replace anyone.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping delivered the above speech at the 30th leader meeting of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization that day.

Xi Jinping said that this is the 30th time of the leaders of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization, which is of special significance. He thanked the US President Biden and the US government for the thoughtful arrangements for this meeting.

Xi Jinping said that since the establishment of the leaders' regular meeting mechanism of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization, it has always been at the forefront of global open development, which has effectively promoted regional trade and investment liberalization, economic and technological development, and material flow of material personnel.The "Asia -Pacific Miracle", which has attracted worldwide attention.

"At present, the World Centennial Bureau has accelerated the evolution, and the world economy is facing a variety of risk challenges. As a global growth engine, Asia -Pacific shoulder a greater time responsibility.What kind of Asia -Pacific to bring to the middle of this century?It should be adhered to the original intention of the Asia -Pacific cooperation, responsible response to the call of the times, work together to deal with global challenges, fully implement the vision of Butragia, build an open, vibrant, strong, and peaceful Asia -Pacific community, and realize the common prosperity of the Asia -Pacific people and descendants of descendants.Essence

Xi Jinping made four suggestions.First, insist on innovation -driven.Innovation is a powerful driving force for development.It is necessary to follow the trend of scientific and technological development, promote scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation with a more positive attitude, and work together to create an open, fair, fair, and non -discriminated scientific and technological development environment.It is necessary to accelerate digital transformation, reduce digital gaps, accelerate the implementation of the Internet and digital economy roadmap in the Asia -Pacific Organization, support new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing, and continuously shape the new advantages of new kinetic energy for Asia -Pacific development.

Second, persist in opening -up orientation.The experience of the development of the Asia -Pacific development shows that opening up is prosperous and closed.It is necessary to maintain free and open trade investment, support and strengthen the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization as the core, maintain the stable and smooth supply chain of the global industrial chain, and oppose political and trade issues politically, weapons, and general security.It is necessary to unswervingly promote the regional economic integration, accelerate the process of the Asia -Pacific Free Trade Zone, comprehensively implement the interconnection of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization, and share the development opportunities of open regional open development.

Third, adhere to green development.Facing the increasingly severe challenges such as climate change and natural disasters, we must adhere to the harmonious coexistence of people and nature, accelerate the development of green low -carbon transformation in development methods, coordinate carbon reduction, dirt reduction, expand green, and increaseThe goal is the green background of the Asia -Pacific growth.

Fourth, insist on inclusive sharing.At present, the global development cause is facing severe challenges and has intensified development.Everyone develops together.It is necessary to fully implement the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, promote the return of development issues to the position of the international agenda center, deepen the development strategy docking, and jointly solve the global development deficit.All parties are welcome to actively participate in the global development initiative, deepen cooperation in the fields of poverty reduction, food security, industrialization, and development funding, build a global development community, and allow people to share the results of modernization.China will continue to support the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization to carry out economic and technological cooperation and jointly make cakes in Asia -Pacific.

Finally, Xi Jinping emphasized that China is comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country with a Chinese -style modernization and a great cause of national rejuvenation.China adheres to the path of peaceful development, and the fundamental purpose of development is to allow the Chinese people to live a good life, not to replace anyone.This year marks the 45th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. China will adhere to high -quality development, promote high -level opening to the outside world, and provide new opportunities for the modernization of Chinese -style modernization to promote the modernization of countries around the world.Xi Jinping said that he was willing to work with his colleagues to promote the Asia -Pacific cooperation to achieve more fruitful results and jointly create the next "gold 30 years" in the Asia -Pacific.