
A number of Chinese media reported on Thursday (November 16) that Douyin recently launched a test of short video payment functions, that is, users need to pay in advance to watch the complete content of the video.

According to the Douyin paid content agreement, during the testing stage, the creator can decide whether to start the payment function for the short video, and can also decide the type of video for the payment.As long as the platform rules are not limited to intellectual videos, almost all types of videos can be set to pay content.

The effective date of effectiveness is October 24, which also allows creators to set unlocking costs by themselves, but the platform will withdraw 30 % of the income benefits as technical support costs.The trading currency is the shaking coin of the Douyin platform, and the 1 shaking coin is equivalent to 0.1 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 0.019).

Douyin creator can be video videos for videos.Setting the payment model requires users to pay to unlock the complete content.(Internet)

For who can start the payment function, Douyin has set up three thresholds: in the past 90 days, there is no account violation of regulations, the number of fans is not less than 100,000, and the real -name authentication is completed.

But there are also media reports that some creators are less than 100,000, and they can still start the payment function.

According to the media measurement, users will have a few seconds of trial periods before deciding whether to pay.After paying, the user can watch the video repeatedly, but the viewing period is only seven days, and it cannot be refunded after payment.

When watching paid videos, users cannot be saved through the screen records and screenshots. At the same time, the creators cannot delete paid video content.

User watching paid video, users watching paid videos,It is impossible to be saved through the screen recording of this machine, and it cannot be shared on the platform after the screenshot.(Internet)

There are media analysis. The paid model launched by Douyin has less restrictions and wide range, which seems to attract more creators to create a payment model for the whole scene.

A stone stirred up thousands of waves

However, after the news came out, Douyin was immediately folded by netizens.

Many netizens believe that the quality of short video on Douyin is currently uneven, and many of them are mixed with advertisements.Even worse?

There are also netizens worrying that when swiping the video, Douyin will frequently push the payment content, which is fatal for users who use the fragmented time to enjoy the short leisure.

Some paid videos on Douyin have also attracted a lot of netizens' messages. Many of them are commemorating their first paid videos to show that they "come here".There are also messages that "just worry about not being able to quit short videos, so support paid to watch."

Some netizens questioned that the initial operation of the littering parent company was "jumping" before the payment model "cut leeks" to break through the increasing increase in revenue.

The performance analysis report released in October in October shows that the company's 2022 revenue increased by 38%year -on -year, lower than the nearly 80%increase in 2021;It was 2233 billion US dollars (about S $ 300.6 billion). Compared with the $ 400 billion and $ 300 billion valuation in the previous two years, it has downgraded.

However, some netizens support the payment mechanism, thinking that not only can help creators improve their income, promote them to create better content, but also allow users who pursue high -quality contentThe creative ecology of the platform.

But there are doubts that the threshold for Douyin for the payment function is quite low. In the end, it is likely that it will still evolve into the phenomenon of uneven quality of paid videos.

The voting launched on Weibo on Weibo on Thursday shows that among the 20,000 netizens participating in the voting, there are 19,000 paid models that do not agree with Douyin, showing that the paid model of the public opinion on Douyin is almost almost the same.While falling to the ground.

Business that does not make money without compensation

Without participating in the production of content, it can inspire creators to create better content, waiting to collect commissionGood business that does not pay.Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why Douyin has tried to set the payment model for the platform's video content in recent years.

In 2021, Douyin reported that the short drama payment function was tested. The number of episodes was paid for each short drama.Watch.

The person in charge of Douyin said at the time that the short drama business of the platform was still in the exploration stage, hoping to encourage more high -quality content to be born.

Although the short drama charges also attracted the rebound of netizens, as the short drama type videos burst into fire in 2022, Douyin still tasted sweetness.

Short drama video since 2022 since 202222Douyin burst fire, the picture shows the short drama publicity poster launched by Douyin in recent years, and the confession of the villain will dream!Biography of Jingjing and Liu Longting.(Internet)

In October of this year, the creator of the Douyin plot short video creator "Chen Xiang at 6:30" opened the charging mode for the last five episodes of my short drama love for me to fall in love.Although this approach has been spit out by some netizens, the quality of the video itself, including the resources and creativity, have been widely recognized, attracting many users to pay support.

The analysis of the Beijing Business Daily, the reason why the short drama can be used with a small number of thunderstorms, and the "Shuangwen Zhaotu into the short drama" routine. Some users are willing to be "cool".Psychological pay.But in comparison, the short video has no "Shuangwen" framework, and naturally faces the dilemma of difficulty.

Short video payment must be really successful. The key is not just the user's viewing experience, but how many users are willing to take out for this -to watch for a few tens of seconds, a few minutes of video paymentmoney.

Can short video payment be the mainstream?

Among them, the most fundamental contradiction is the positioning of Douyin short videos and the consumption habits of users.

In the eyes of most users, entertainment is the label that the vibrato short video cannot get rid of, and the value given by these short videos is also very limited. Naturally, it is difficult to mention the interest of users to pay for the video.

As a netizen said: "It's not unwilling to pay, how many things you are worth paying for?"

At the same time, Douyin has always been launched since 2016, and it has always beenIt is a software that is not charged, and such an impression has long been deeply rooted.

A short video creator said that the paid model of short video content does not have the popularity of users to pay for the habit of watching short videos or live broadcasts in China.Not small.

Even if the user is willing to watched the short video, how to ensure that the creator who will launch the payment content can continue to produce high -quality content, which is also a problem that the platform has to face.There are many creators with more than 100,000 fans, but how many creators who can make high -quality content?

This is not only a problem that the short video platform must face.Musk, founder of the US electric vehicle giant Tesla, has proposed to consider introducing the payment mechanism on the X platform (formerly known as Twitter), requiring users to pay for the content of more platforms after paying.

Musk gave a reasons for this, saying that it was to fight against the "robot army" full of X platform, because these robot accounts running by computer programs are usually used to artificially enlarge political information or incite incitementRacial hatred.

But everyone knows that Musk's proposal is more to save the X platform that fell into a fiscal dilemma, which does not help eliminate the negative impression of the platform itself.At the end of the public opinion of the Internet, Musk's proposal was ended.

It can be seen that for a platform that does not need to produce content, the payment mechanism is indeed a way of making money that can make them lying, but unless it can solve the problem of uneven content, it is reversed with high -quality content to reverse with high -quality content reversing.The user's consumption mentality is probably blocked and the road is long.