(Beijing Comprehensive News) Beijing proposed the construction of the "three major projects" to build a new development model of real estate, and some analysts believe that China may learn from the Singapore public housing model to reshape the real estate market.

Bloomberg reported this week that the Chinese government plans to launch the "three major projects" specific implementation plan this month, for this reason, providing at least 1 trillion yuan (S $ 185.9 billion) funds.

"Three Projects" refer to the construction of affordable housing, the transformation of the village in the city, and the construction of the "emergency two -purpose" public infrastructure.

Australian and New Bank's senior economist Wang Rui analyzed that Beijing's plan is more like allowing the real estate industry to make long -term structural adjustments to the Singapore model.She said: "I think this is not just to boost real estate investment in the short term, but the goal of" common prosperity "in 2035 in China."

The real estate market in Singapore is dominated by public housing, encouraging low -income people to purchase public housing provided by the government, and a small number of high -income people solve housing problems through market methods.

China has not yet disclosed the details of the security housing plan.The Economic Observation Online reported that the Chinese State Council's guidance documents on planning and construction of affordable housing have recently been transmitted to the urban and municipal governments and ministries and commissions.The document clarifies the goal of promoting the establishment of the real estate industry's transformation and development, and 35 major cities will take the lead in exploring practice.

Some analysts believe that the new model aims to establish a strict supervision public housing market, which stipulates who can buy these houses and set up limits for resale methods. One may be that the house is required to sell the house back to the government; in addition,, in addition,, in addition,There will also be a commercial real estate market that serves wealthy families. It not only provides a channel for wealth accumulation for some classes, but also ensures that low -income people can afford houses.