A two -year -old girl who was in charge of a babysitter in Hangzhou died of a gangster. The family members of the girl filed a civil lawsuit and appealed due to dissatisfaction.

According to Xiaoxiang Morning News on Thursday (November 16), three years ago, Hangzhou nanny Liang Moumou left the two -year -old girl rice grain alone and left in his daughter's house.Fall.The nanny involved in the crime of losing death was sentenced to one year in prison and two years in prison.

After the family members of rice grains, the civil lawsuits were filed separately, and the nanny, nanny daughter, developer, property company, etc. involved in the incident were all listed as the defendant.The family members believed that the nanny daughter was decorated in violation of the rules, resulting in the lack of bay window fences at the scene of the crime, and she should also bear responsibility.

Ms. Mother and self -media blogger "Rice Mai Mai Zi Mom" ​​Ms. Jie said that the case has been judged at present, and the court ruled that the babysitter involved in the case compensated 250,000 yuan (the same below, about 46,477 Singapore yuan), The nanny daughter voluntarily compensated 200,000 yuan.

The court believes that the demolition of the bay window in the house has not infringed on others or public interests, and it is difficult to ask the nanny daughter to take responsibility for the matter.

Ms. Xie said that she would not accept the above verdict and appealed.

Ms. Xie said that during the trial of the criminal case of the babysitter Liang Moumou involved in the incident, she did not file a criminal attachment to civil prosecution.Seven individuals and units such as nanny Liang Moumou, nanny daughter, developer, and property company were listed as the defendant.

In the indictment, Ms. Xie believes that Liang Moumou as a nanny has a direct liability for her daughter's death.Live fees of 50,000 yuan, misunderstanding costs of 50,000 yuan, and 300,000 yuan in mental damage, totaling 1.614974.5 yuan, and publicly apologized for the self -media account operated by Ms. Jie.The daughter of the nanny is decorated in violation of the rules and demolished the guardrail. The developer and the property company are responsible for supervision and should bear the responsibility according to the share.

Ms. Xie received a civil judgment from the Qianjiang District People's Court of Hangzhou City on Thursday (16th).