In the first weekend of November, many mediaIt is reported that Douyu, one of China's largest game live broadcast platforms, has lost contact for nearly three weeks.

As early as October 29, a self -media blogger named "Xiaoyao Investment Notes" posted on the WeChat public account.The article and mentioned in it: "Last Thursday (October 26) received rumors -because of XXX, Douyu CEO Chen Shaojie was investigated and lost contact for nearly three weeks. So he verified from many parties in the circle,It is true that " The cover news on Monday (November 6) to verify the insiders of Douyu, and the other party also confirmed the news of Chen Shaojie's loss.

However, a person who claims to be Douyu Public Relations emphasized to the Daily Economic News that there is no such thing at all, "we have not received any request for interviews."The public relations officer also said that Chen Shaojie should have an external response, but it depends on the opinions of the company's superiors and then arranged.

Titanium Media Tuesday (November 7) quoted people familiar with the matter. It is rumored that Chen Shaojie may be taken away to assist in the investigation.

The "Ministry of Social Products Law and Compliance" issued a post on October 13 that the person in charge of a large -scale live broadcast platform was recently arrested by the public security organs in Sichuan because of the suspected opening of a casino.(Internet)

Earlier, the WeChat public account "Social Products Law Compliance Department" of the Kenting law firm posted on October 13 that the person in charge of a large live broadcast platform was recently opened by a casino and was suspected of opening a casino.The local public security organs were arrested.

The person in charge mentioned in the Chinese netizens is Chen Shaojie.The team of Kenting law firm said that the push article was "not directly connected" with Chen Shaojie's loss.At present, the article can no longer be seen on the public account.

Douyu involved in gambling and yellow

According to surging news reports, rumors in the industry said that Chen Shaojie's loss of contact may be related to the previous "Changsha Village Dare Team" in Douyu Live.

According to China Youth Network, the "Changsha Rural Death Team" uses the various lottery rules of Douyu to perform suspected gambling activities.When users buy specified props for a period of time, they can participate in virtual currency draws worth 1,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 186) to tens of thousands of yuan.The "Changsha Rural Death Team" then purchases virtual currencies through third -party channels such as Alipay to achieve bonuses.

The live broadcast room often starts the gambling lottery at 10 pm.The teenagers are obsessed with it, heavy losses and cannot extricate themselves.

According to the statistics of the third -party live data platform, the "Changsha Rural Death Team" reached 1771.8 billion yuan in 2020 and a single -day flow of 13.1767 million yuan.

The "Changsha Rural Death Team" was exposed to gambling in 2021, and it is currently unable to find it on the Douyu platform.

Due to the illegal regulations, it has been closed on the Douyu platform.(Screenshot of Douyu)

"Changsha Rural Death Team" is not the only live broadcast room for Douyu.In September 2020, Douyu's other live broadcast room, "Nine Outdoor", was reported by many media that he was suspected of gambling.Third -party data shows that in 2020 alone, its income exceeds 100 million yuan.In the end, the anchor Fu Moumou and Pan were sentenced to six years in prison, and many others were sentenced to probation or a fine.

According to the WeChat public account "Radar Finance", two months before the "Jiu Jiu Outdoor" was investigated and punished, the live broadcast of the live -broadcast guild behind it had changed the industrial and commercial change.Network Technology Co., Ltd..The corporate information database "Sky Eye Inspection" shows that Wuhan Douyu's shareholders are Douyu (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., and Chen Shaojie is the company's financial leader.

In the first half of this year, Douyu was officially required to be rectified by officials because of pornography.

In March, some users complained that Douyu is letting go of pornographic related content.According to technology reports, Douyu has an anchor semi -semi -exposed, and the language content is explicit and vulgar.There are even anchors to seduce the audience to comment on the sensitive parts of their bodies and ask for gifts.

Two months later, the National Internet Information Office of China guided the Hubei Provincial Internet Information Office to send a working group to enter the Douyu platform for a monthly centralized rectification and supervision.

Douyu responded at the time that it would actively cooperate with the inspection and guidance of the working group, and carefully carried out in -depth work rectification and other work in accordance with the supervision requirements.At the same time, it will further optimize the platform content review mechanism, effectively fulfill the platform supervision responsibilities, and create a healthier and positive live broadcast environment.

In 2016, Douyu broke out the live broadcast of the yellow, and was required to stop the Douyu TV "Outdoor Live" column by the Internet Information Office.

It can be seen that the Douyu at the helm at the helm of Chen Shaojie has been walking on the edge in recent years.At present, the official has not disclosed why Chen Shaojie lost contact.

Student from university to a billionaire

Chen Shaojie is 39 years old, from Jinan, Shandong.He has been obsessed with video games since the fifth grade of elementary school. He went to college overnight in an Internet cafe. He finally dropped out of school in a freshman.

However, at the age of 25, Chen Shaojie sold his "head" game to the "head of the person" game to sell it to Chinese online game operators, and earned the first bucket of gold in life.

Chen Shaojie is 39 years old.At the age of 30, he founded Douyu and successfully made Douyu listed in Nasdaq in the United States at the age of 35.(Internet)

In 2010, Chen Shaojie bought a station A station known as the "the originator of the two -dimensional website" in China, and introduced the barrage function and incubated the "raw broadcast" (Japanese meant live broadcast) channel.Four years later, he independent "Shengli" channel from station A and renamed "Douyu TV".Douyu main played live broadcast, while covering various live broadcast content such as sports.

According to Surging News, in July 2019, Douyu was listed in Nasdaq in the United States, with a market value of nearly $ 4 billion (about S $ 5.417 billion) on that day.

In October of that year, Chen Shaojie ranked 1507th in the 2019 Hurun Rich List with a personal wealth of 2.5 billion yuan, and ranked 43rd in the rich list of Hurun's 80s in 2019.In 2020, Chen Shaojie's wealth further expanded to 5.5 billion yuan. He also entered the 34th place on the list of the rich list in the after -80s of Hurun in 2020.

However, the Chinese online game market situation has actually changed rapidly after 2018.According to the Tiger Sniff APP, with the rise of platforms such as Douyin, Kuaishou, and B Station, the game live market has intensified, and Douyu in the PC era has frequently challenged from the user's disk and content ecology.

In order to further consolidate the live broadcast of the live broadcast, in October 2020, Douyu and the main competitors Huya announced that it officially accepted a consolidated invitation from major shareholders and Chinese Internet giants Tencent to conduct strategic mergers.But this merger was eventually unsuccessful.

In July 2021, the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration of China sacrificed antitrust punch, and the merger of Huya and Douyu was prohibited.

The stock price has plummeted

In addition to the company's business operations, Douyu has also performed poorly in the capital market in recent years.

In March 2021, Douyu's stock price reached a maximum of $ 20.54 per share, and now it has fallen more than 90 %.As of Monday US stocks closed, Douyu reported at $ 0.84 per share.

Due to the minimum request of $ 1 per share for 30 consecutive working days, Douyu issued an announcement on October 25 that he received the delisting warning from Nasdaq.Fish may be forced to delist by Nasdaq on April 22, 2024.

According to the latest financial report, Douyu's second -quarter revenue was 1.392 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 24.1%; net profit was 6.8 million yuan, and its net loss was 38.8 million yuan in 2022.

Although the second quarter has turned into a profit, the performance of Douyu in recent years is in a trough.According to the annual report, Douyu's revenue scale has been 9.6 billion yuan, 9.1 billion yuan, and 7.1 billion yuan since 2020 to 2022, which is on the decline.In 2020, the net profit of Douyu was 540 million yuan, and the net loss in 2021 reached 620 million yuan. In 2022, the loss narrowed to 90.4 million yuan.

The WeChat public account "letters list" quoted a former Douyu person close to Chen Shaojie that Chen Shaojie has always been the backbone of Douyu."He knows the game very much, has enough entrepreneurial experience. He bets right at critical moments, and the game with capital is also very powerful." However, if Chen Shaojie was in the rumor because of the rumors of gambling.Not only did the Douyu, which was founded by myself, but also made myself fame.

Xiaoyao Investment Notes posted on WeChat accounts and said: "Many times human nature is not so rational, and even can't help it. Entrepreneurship is a life of nine deaths.In order to survive, they may go astray by mistake ... Chen Shaojie's choice, I don’t know the exact reason, but from the perspective of Douyu, there is no need to go to that step. "

What is the truth, it is unknown for the time being, but it is certain that as the company's leaders continue to lose contact, coupled with poor operating performance, there is not much time and opportunity for Douyu.