Reuters reports that Chinese technology giant Baidu has ordered artificial intelligence chips to another technology giant Huawei this year.

Reuters on Tuesday (November 7) quoted sources who did not want to be named that before the United States announced the tightening of China's chip and chip tool export restrictions in October, Baidu had already Xiang Huawei in August to Huawei in an order.

Baidu ordered a 1,600 Huawei 910B liter artificial intelligence chips for 200 servers, with a total value of about 450 million yuan (S $ 85.11 million). Huawei will be delivered by the end of this year.As of October, more than 60%of orders or 1,000 chips have been delivered to Baidu.

Although compared with the number of chip ordered by the top Chinese technology company from the chip giant Yingweida in the past, the scale of this order is small, but the source said that Baidu's move is significantNo longer ordering from Nvidia.

Reuters said that it was reported that it was not Huawei's artificial intelligence chip customers in the past.

Sources said that Huawei Shengteng chips are considered far less than Nvida chips in terms of performance, but they are the most advanced domestic chips in China.

Sources said: "They order the 910B chip to cope with the situation that may no longer be ordered from Nvidia in the future."

Baidu and Huawei have not responded to Reuters' comment requests,Nvidia refused to comment.