Taiwan DPP presidential candidate Lai Qingde announced on Tuesday (November 7) that the list of non -partition legislators will be announced next week, and the vice presidential candidates will be announced in the next week.

Comprehensive Free Times Tai and Taiwan Central Radio reported that Lai Qingde said at the press conference that there were more than 100 people through self -recommended or recommended non -district legislators.have".

Lai Qingde also announced the organizational structure of the campaign headquarters, and scholar Yao Liming became the chairman of the campaign headquarters.Yao Liming has served as a legislator and was also the director of the mayor of Taipei in the Taipei mayor in 2014.Yao Liming described himself and Ke Wenzhe as "the words of the media". He combined because of misunderstanding and broke up because of understanding.

Joint report said that Yao Liming's political spectrum has changed drastically all the way, and the objects that have worked with have had friction and criticism. They also said in 2018 that "the DPP is garbage."