Taiwan ’s party’ s party ’s party’ s spouse, Xu Chunying, a spouse of Mainland China, has become a hot topic.Lai Qingde, the presidential candidate of the DPP President, publicly accused her as a Communist Party.Xu Chunying denied that she had joined the Communist Party, and contrary to "the politician speech had to be honest. Does Vice President Lai have evidence?"

National Security Director Cai Mingyan said on Monday (November 6) that the Taiwanese government has a clear principle and position in land distribution, as long as legal activities are respected.If there are specific evidence showing that the long -term cooperation with the opposite coast of the land, or the exchange activities with political purposes, accept the instructions of the other side, and have abnormal behaviors such as the funding in Taiwan's development organizations, and will be transferred to the judicial organs for investigation.

The Mainland Commission also emphasized that according to the regulations of the people's relations between Taiwan and the mainland region, the election can be registered after 10 years. Based on loyalty obligations, foreign citizenship should be abandoned according to law.

In 2020, the Kuomintang has included Lu Pai Niu Chunru in the 17th pick of the candidate for the legislators of the specifications, and the DPP government has never objected.This time Xu Chunying has not been officially included in the list of people's parties, and the DPP launched a violent attack, which was regarded as Lai Qingde played the "Anti -China" card in advance .

Xu Chunying held a press conference last Sunday (November 5) that she married Taiwan in 1993 and lived in Taiwan for nearly 30 years.It was found that Lu Gao was not truly recognized, "it was very cold."

She presented the "Republic of China" ID card and passport that she has already obtained, emphasizing that she is the national of the "Republic of China", and should abide by the Constitution of the "Republic of China" and enjoy the rights and interests of the "Republic of China".

For Lai Qingde's public accusation of her as a Communist Party member, Xu Chunying said: "I really can be alarmed that Vice President Lai is named me as a Communist Party member, does he have evidence?"

Xu Chunying emphasized that if Lai Qingde has evidence, the state machine can be dispatched to investigate. "If I find that I am a member of the Communist Party, then I will accept the identity of Taiwan and be deported.

Lai Qingde's campaign headquarters spokesman Dai Weishan said through a press release, saying that the campaign director of the party presidential candidate Ke Wenzhe was asked about why Xu Chunying was a member of the Communist Party.Huang Shanshan responded on Facebook that it turned out that Lai Qingde couldn't understand the satirical articles. Does Dai Weishan also have obstacles?

Qiu Tai San said last week by the chairman of the Mainland Committee that after being elected by the People's Republic of China, it is necessary to abandon foreign nationality in accordance with the nationality law and civil servant appointment method.

But Lai Xingyuan, the former chairman of the MAC, believes that cross -strait relations have its particularity. The premise of Lu Gao obtained the "Republic of China" ID card is to lose the household registration of the mainland.

Xu Chunying quoted Lai Xingyuan's statement and asked Qiu Tai San. Is there a relationship between the country and the country on both sides of the strait?She asked Qiu to teach her how to give up her nationality?If mainland affairs are foreign affairs, they will be managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Why is there a MAC?

The MAC issued a press release on Monday that whether the foreign nationality of the "Republic of China" nationality has diplomatic relations with the "Republic of China", "the Republic of China" is recognized by the country to the country, or only determine it to be recognized by the country, or only determine it.It is a political entity. As long as the nationals of the "Republic of China" have the nationality of the country, the parties have the obligation to give up in accordance with the law.As for whether the country is allowed to give up and how to apply, it is necessary to refer to the provisions of the national laws and regulations, and the government of the "Republic of China" must be beak.