Leading in Singapore for nearly 20 years, Singapore's third prime minister, Li Xianlong, intends to pay the stick to the deputy prime minister and financial minister Huang Xuncai before the 70th anniversary of the People's Action Party, and he led the Action Party to the next election.

Li Xianlong, who is also the Secretary -General of the DAP, announced this decision at the DAP Conference on Sunday (November 5), calling on party members to fully support Huang Xuncai and his team to help them win the people's strong commission, and work with them togetherSingapore pushed to a new peak.

The 71 -year -old Li Xianlong broke out due to a crown disease, and missed the original target of working and outgoing before the age of 70.November 21 next year will be the 70th anniversary of the DAP.Li Xianlong said: "If everything goes well, I will make a good fortune a few days ago on the 70th birthday of the DAP. That's not my birthday, but for this time, I will borrow it for the time being."

Li Xianlong also said that after making a stick, he will obey Huang Xuncai's arrangement."He thinks I can play where I can play, and I will go. I will try my best to help him and his team win the next election. I want to help him fulfill the responsibility of the leadership country so that Singapore can make Singapore in the third generation in me and the third generation in me and the third generation.After the minister retreats, he can continue to succeed in the next many years.

Li Xianlong entered politics in 1984 and has always been a member of the grass -roots affairs of Deyi District.

Huang Xuncai officially was officially recommended as the leader of the fourth -generation leadership team last April, and then quickly assumed heavier responsibilities in the government and the party. In June of the same year/News/Singapore/Story20220607-1280300 "Roth = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> Promotes the Deputy Prime Minister , then As the Deputy Secretary -General of the DAP .

Li Xianlong said that Huang Xuncai and the fourth -generation team showed their reputation during the epidemic situation. Now, more and more are dominated by the national agenda.

They work with Singaporeans together to carry out " SingaporeTogether with the "movement, a recent report on the report put forward a major agenda, promising to pay for and carry out many major plans.They are also actively introducing talents and further strengthening team strength.

Huang Xuncai: ready to welcome the next task

Li Xianlong said that Huang Xuncai told him that he was ready."I am full of confidence in Huang Xuncai and his team, and there is no reason to postpone political delivery."

Huang Xuncai said earlier on the same day at the DAP conference, and said in his speech as the Deputy Secretary -General of the DAP, "I'm ready to welcome the next task."

He said that he would not fight alone. He has a fourth -generation team that has worked closely for many years. They have been prepared for leadership.Li Xianlong, Minister of State and Politics and Minister of State Security Zhang Zhixian and other third -generation ministers will also continue to serve the country.Huang Xuncai described them as "excellent mentors and models", and he attached great importance to their suggestions and opinions.

Huang Xuncai also said to the party members: "The important thing is that I know I will get the support of each of you -your thoughts, your enthusiasm, and your hard work at the grassroots level."

The next election must be held on November 23, 2025.Huang Xuncai said that the DAP may win every election since 1959, but it may still easily lose the next election.

"I have said that, and now I say it again: I don't think that the DAP will definitely win in the next election, and even win the overwhelming victory.You shouldn't do this hypothesis "

Huang Xuncai said that many Singaporeans may want the DAP government to organize the government, but more and more people also hope that there are more opposition members and more supervision and checks and balances. The DAP must recognize and respect this.

"This means that from the current election, it is no longer a matter of how many seats to win, but whether the party can form the government and whether the government is strong."

Scholars: Political leaders should not be late for class

Political analysts interviewed by the interview believes that the political leaders should not be late to make the fourth -generation team can accumulate the experience of governing the country as soon as possible. Any unnecessary delay does not meet the interests of Huang Xuncai, the fourth -generation team or the DAP.

Bilveer Singh, deputy director of the Department of Political Department of the National University of Singapore, said that Huang Xuncai was regarded as the successor of the Prime Minister, and the official handling was just a form.

"The real problem is, can he live up to the expectations of the DAP and Singaporeans? Considering the severe internal and external challenges, the opposition party, especially the Workers' Party and the Singapore, the PartyCriticism is increasing, all of which have to be observed "