Taiwan debuted on Monday (October 30) in the wild "Blue and White" political parties in the wild. The two -party chairman issued a joint statement after the talks, but did not talk about the most concerned presidential election.

Taiwan will hold the president and legislator election on January 13, 2024 more than two months.Under the expectations of the rotation of political parties after half of public opinion, the two major in the wild party, the Kuomintang (blue) and the people's party (white) conducted a staff discussion on blue and white cooperation on October 14, but they were in a deadlock for 12 days.Primary election voting to push the strongest presidential candidate to reach a consensus.On October 26, the two parties announced that they would talk about cooperation through political parties.

On Monday morning, the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun and the party's chairman and presidential candidate Ke Wenzhe held the first party negotiation chairman to talk about the art and Wen salon of the official residence of Taipei Mayor.Both wearing suits, white clothes with blue tie, shook hands and took a photo before the meeting.

After one and a half hours of closed -door talks, Zhu Lilun and Ke Wenzhe held a press conference to issue a joint statement to reach a four -point consensus, emphasizing that the two parties must jointly carry out "Taiwan's third wave of democratic reforms" to avoid the one -party unique and winning.The democratic dictatorship of all the people must restart the energy policy of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and promote each other; advocate that the president goes to the Legislative Yuan for a national conditions report and the president of the administrative dean should receive the majority of the Legislative Yuan's support;The effect of the two supports each other to improve the legislator.

However, the statement of the President of the Blue and White President of the Blue and White President that the two sides could not talk about was not mentioned in the statement.Hou Youyi, the Kuomintang presidential candidate, did not participate in the talks and attracted attention.

In the face of media questioning, Ke Wenzhe said that the part that can be resolved first is resolved, and the opinions of the parties (Hou Youyi) must be resolved, and they cannot be decided without the parties' absence.If you want to cooperate, regardless of whether Ke Hou or Hou Ke is in the same votes, he respects the opinions of the Kuomintang. The key is to put forward a fair, open and acceptable way to match.

Zhu Lilun said that the presidential election part needs to arrange for Ke Wenzhe, Hou Youyi and the three of him to sit down, from the combination of President and Vice President to the common goal, hoping to finalize the discussion as soon as possible.As for whether Ke Wenzhe was asked to platform for the Candidate Candidate of the Blue Camp, Zhu Lilun said that after the coordination of the presidential election, Zhu Lilun came to negotiate the issue of opening up the platform.

For this, senior media person Shang Yifu pointed out in a TV political program that if the presidential election cannot cooperate, the Legislative Yuan cooperation or raising the legislators will be empty; if the presidential election will fight each other, then Ke Wenzhe will also let Ke Wenzhe make it for the Kuomintang to make it to the Kuomintang party.On the platform, it shows that Hou Youyi was sold by Zhu Lilun.

Zhu Lilun then met with Hou Youyi and attended the tourist friendship dinner.In response to the comments sold by Zhu Lilun, Hou Youyi responded to the media joint interview that he would not be absent from Zhu Lilun in front of the meeting after the presidential election, the rotation of the political party and the blue and white harmony.Zhu Lilun also emphasized that he is also the chairman of Hou Youyi, and everyone has the same position.

The negotiations of this historic blue and white party are mostly pessimistic and critical arguments.The pessimist believes that the four -point consensus between the two parties is all empty talks, and they hope that the supporters of the party's rotation know that the two sides will know that the two sides will cooperate.With the approaching date of the registration deadline for candidates from November 20th to 24th, if you do not determine the premise of jointly recommended by President and Vice President, the victory is basically hopeless.

Critics believe that Ke Wenzhe has no sincerity to partner with Hou Youyi. Lan Baihe dragged the shed, and the supporters were impatient and angry.

There are also optimists who believe that the blue and white coach has finally begun to talk, and the atmosphere is still harmonious.It is hoped that the public opinion pressure of "change the party" will continue to promote and spur the leaders in the field to make a wisdom decision, concentrate their strengths to win the election, and avoid facing the people's grievances after the defeat.