Li Qiang, Prime Minister of the State Council of China, said that China is willing to firmly grasp the correct development direction of the relationship between the relationship between the two countries and work together to build Sino -Japanese relations that meet the requirements of the new era.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Li Qiang on Monday (October 23), and the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong concluded the 45th anniversary of the China -Japan Peace Friendship Treaty.

Li Qiang said that the treaty has established a general direction of peaceful coexistence and generations for the two neighbors of China and Japan in the form of legal form, emphasizing opposition to hegemonism, and becoming an important milestone in the development process of the relationship between the two countries.Over the past 45 years, Sino -Japanese relations have achieved the hard -won development results, have enhanced the well -being of the people of the two countries, and have also made positive contributions to the peace, stability and prosperity of regions and the world.

Li Qiang pointed out that China is willing to revisit the spirit of the contract, firmly grasp the correct development direction of the relationship between the two countries, and is committed to building Sino -Japanese relations that meet the requirements of the new era.

According to the report of Kyodo News Agency, Kishida Wenxiong said in congratulations, "Japan and China shoulder important responsibilities for peace and prosperity of regions and the world in the region and the world."Cooperation and stable Japanese -China relations "started cooperation.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on the same day that the treaty stipulated in a series of core contents such as the principles of the China -Japan joint statement, not interfered with the internal affairs, and the opposition to any country to seek hegemony.So far, it is still practical guiding significance for solving risk challenges facing the world in today's world.

Mao Ning said that the current Sino -Japanese relations are at a critical stage of improving development, and at the same time facing many risks and challenges. The two parties should take the 45th anniversary of commemorating the approval of the approval of the approval of the approval of the leaders of the two countries.The spirit of Wen treaties, maintains the political foundation, expands mutually beneficial cooperation, controls contradictions and differences, and is committed to building Sino -Japanese relations that meets the requirements of the new era.