China Ambassador Shen Jian said at the United Nations General Assembly that some countries are obsessed with competition and cold war thinking, seeking to lead the air, and will seriously threaten external air security and severely damage global strategic stability.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Shen Jian attended the 78th UN General Assembly and the International Security Council meeting on Friday (October 20) to comprehensively explain the policy proposition of China on external safety issues.

Shen Jian emphasized that maintaining the long -lasting peace and security of external air is related to the security, development and prosperity of various countries, and is related to the well -being of all human beings.Countries should adhere to the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable safety, and are committed to ensuring the nature of external air and peaceful utilization, ensuring that the rights of peaceful exploration and use of external and air in all countries have been fully guaranteed, and promoting the construction of a community of human destiny in the field of air.

Shen Jian said that individual countries are obsessed with competition and cold war thinking, seeking leading external air, defining external air as "combat territory", accelerating the construction of foreign air forces, building an air -to -air military alliance, and even planning to even planThe deployment of anti -missile weapons in foreign air, seriously threatening external air security, severely damaging global strategic stability, and continuing to exacerbate the risk of foreign air force preparation competitions.

Bloomberg reported on September 10 that the US space force launched a set of new early warning satellites on the same day to track China or Russian spacecraft that might fail or damage the US rail system.In 2022, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, said in the case of answering related questions in 2022 that the United States ignored the facts and fabricated to render the "space threat" in China. The purpose was to make excuses for expanding space forces and seeking an advantageous status, and China resolutely opposed this approach.

The Japanese Kyodo News Chinese website reported on September 25 that Salzman, Minister of the American Space Army Battle Department, who visited Japan at the time, said that considering China, which improves the capabilities of the space field, and understands the occurrence of space in spaceWhat, Japan and the United States need to work together to strengthen the monitoring of the space field.He also revealed that in order to strengthen Japan -US cooperation, he is advancing and discussing the newly -established US space in Japan.