四川省成都崇州星期一(10月16日) The girl was attacked by a dog, and the girl was bitten in many places, the right kidney was sominating, and the right rib fractures.Local police said that the current dogs and sources are still investigating.

According to the surging news report, the Chongzhou police reported on the same day that when Deng and his daughter Tang walked downstairs in the community, they encountered a black dog and a white dog., Bite it.At 8:30 am, Deng and Tang were taken to the hospital.

After diagnosis, Tang had many bite all over the body, the right kidney was trace, and the right rib fractures.After full treatment, the wound debridement has been completed, and the signs of life have been stable.The medical treatment expert group will improve the follow -up medical treatment measures according to the inspection.Deng Mou's body scratch and processed.

A surveillance video circulating earlier online shows that a woman in a community brought a child and was attacked by a black dog. The woman tried to protect the child.Girl.Seeing this, there were suspected community property personnel and tried to drive the black dog with a mop.When the black dog besieged the girl, a white dog was also aside.Another video shows that before the incident, the two dogs were playing together, and no owner was on the side.

A owner of the community said in an interview that afternoon that large dogs in the community had seen it, and the property seemed to have no management.The black dog has now ran away, and the owner has not appeared yet.The community property said that the injured girl had been sent to the hospital for treatment, and now the police have been involved in the investigation, and they are inconvenient to disclose more situations.

According to the local police, the local police said that according to the current situation, the dog involved is just a Rowalner dog with a owner.The Rowa Dog is strong, with rapid movements and powerful momentum. It has been listed as banned dogs by many cities.

The local public security organs said that they are fully launched the investigation and disposal. They will be dealt with seriously according to the investigation and announce it in a timely manner.

China Official Media People's Daily Online (October 17) published a comment article and raised six major questions: Who is the evil dog?Should the property be responsible?From the perspective of the dog's body, the two evil dogs bite are quite huge. Is it the list of raising dogs in the urban area?Does the relevant local management departments have strictly implemented the management of pets in accordance with the management regulations?Does the dog owner show up, do you fulfill your responsibility?What kind of treatment should be received after the evil dog hurts people?Who is the person who helps the mother and daughter drive the evil dog?

The article said that in recent years, the incident of evil dogs has been frequent.From the perspective of common sense and common sense, it is not possible to deny the legitimacy of the citizens to raise dogs because of this incident, nor can it be stigmatized.At least we can tie the rope when walking the dog.

At the end of the article, "Raise dogs according to the law, civilized dogs, don't let your love become the pain of others!" In the endDrop, look forward to the progress of the event.