One week of the Harbin conflict lasted for a week, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi publicly named Israel for the first time on Saturday (October 14) to criticize the scope of self -defense and should stop collective punishment for the Gaza people.Interviewed scholars' judgment, Wang Yi’s latest statement shows that Beijing has changed fundamentally on the diplomatic attitude of Harbin conflict, and the destroyed Hamas plan to destroy Hamas may cause A new round of Middle East War show unprecedented concerns.

According to the news released by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, talked with Saudi Arabia Foreign Ministers on Saturday to reiterate that Beijing opposed and condemned all the behaviors of the people. "Israel's behavior has surpassed the scope of self -defense, and we should seriously listen to the appeal of the international community and the Secretary -General of the United Nations and stop collective punishment for the people of Gaza. "

This is the first time that Wang Yi has been named for the first time since the public development of Harbin conflict.Target = _blank> Israel , but has not explicitly condemned Hamas, which launched an attack on Israel on October 7.

Wang Yi also called on all parties to return to the negotiating table as soon as possible on Saturday, saying that Beijing is intensively communicating with all parties to promote the ceasefire. It is believed that the historical injustice of Palestine has continued for more than half a century.It is clearly required to implement the "two -country plan" as soon as possible.

Zhu Feng, Executive Dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, analyzed in an interview with the United Zard that Wang Yi criticized Israel by name, showing that China further launched a military attack on Israel in the Gasha area, which triggered a new round of the Middle East war."Worried about unprecedented."This will not only further lead to a large number of civilian casualties, but also cause the regional military conflict upgrade. The outside world also pays attention to whether Iran, who supports Hamas, will intervene.

Wang Yi On Sunday (October 15), he should call with Iran's foreign minister Abdullahyan, emphasizing that the urgency of the affairs is to promote the cooling of the situation, prevent more innocent civilians casualties in Gaza, and then damage the peaceful situation in the region to break the Middle East to break the Middle East.Peace process.Wang Yi also pointed out that exercising self -defense rights should comply with international law and international humanitarian law, including ensuring the safety of civilians and detained personnel,

Zhu Feng analyzed that the differences caused by the conflict between Harbin conflict in international public opinion have never been seen for many years, and the historical roots behind the Middle East war have also been talked again.For the survival space of Pakistan, "stimulating international emotional rebound is unprecedented."Europe is worried that a new wave of refugees flows in, further deepen the cross-region turbulent .

Zhu Feng also judged that once the war broke out in the Middle East, it will exacerbate the global economic energy supply crisis, which is not good for China and may further deepen the contradiction between the opposition of the Ukrainian war. "China is very worried about these issues, so Wang Yi's recent statement, as China, and ChinaThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs has just begun a relatively mild gesture, and has changed fundamentally.

China and the United States and Foreign Minister also conducted the first call since Haras attack on Saturday.Wang Yi said that conflicts are facing the risk of out of control. Military means have no way out, and violence can only cause a vicious circle.

He also called on the United States to play a constructive role and promote the problem to return to the orbit of political solution as soon as possible.

The Chinese government's Middle East issue special envoy Zhai Yan has spent a week with Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and so on.He announced on the Program of the CCTV Blue Hall on Saturday that he will visit the Middle East and other parties next week to further strengthen coordination to "stop fires, protect civilians, ease the situation, and promote peace talks."

Zhai Yan said that the current Palestinian conflict is continuously upgraded, and the prospect of further expanding spillover is deeply concerned.He revealed that four Chinese citizens have been killed in the conflict, and six of them were injured and they lost contact.

Zhu Feng analyzed that on the 13th, Zhai Jun collectively met with the Arab country's ambassador to China on the 13th. In addition, Wang Yi publicly put pressure on Israel, indicating that China's overall position is still persuasion and talk.Zhu Feng also said that the chaos in the Middle East also provides the opportunity to strengthen cooperation between China and the United States and jointly assume the responsibility of the great country.