Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng pointed out that this year Shanghai's economy has continued to recover, and global investors have continued to "increase their positions." Shanghai is still one of the first choice for foreign investment and global industrial chain layout.

Gong Zheng Sunday (October 15) was introduced at the press conference after the 35th Shanghai Mayor International Entrepreneur Consultation Conference that in the first three quarters of this year, Shanghai Fixed Assets Investment, Civil Investment and Industrial Investment have achieved two.In the increase, the total retail sales of social consumer goods increased by more than 10%, the cultural tourism market has basically returned to the same period in 2019, and the total import and export of goods have maintained a steady growth.

On the other hand, this year's newly set up 1,888 new enterprises in Shanghai this year, an increase of 42%year -on -year; the production order index expanded for seven consecutive months, and the new order index expanded for four consecutive months.Gong Zheng used this to demonstrate that the Shanghai market expects to continue to improve with corporate confidence.

The impact of the epidemic was closed, and the economy of Shanghai fell 0.2 % last year, and Jilin lived in only two economic aggressive provincial administrative regions in China.The business confidence survey report released by the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce in June shows that 64%of the difficulty in operating in China in China in the past year has increased difficulty, and 11%of the interviewed companies have transferred investment in China to other markets.

Gong Zheng quoted data that 49 and 20 were added to the regional headquarters and foreign -funded research and development centers in Shanghai this year, respectively, with a total of 940 and 551 respectively, indicating that Shanghai is still a foreign investment and global industrial chain layout.One of the preferred places.

Gong Zheng and Chen Jining, Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, attended the annual city consultation meeting on Sunday to communicate with multinational companies on how to seize the opportunities of scientific and technological development and enhance Shanghai's competitiveness and attractiveness.

This is the first time that the meeting was held offline three years after the epidemic.Jean-Pascal Tricoire and so on.

Many foreign representatives make suggestions on the Shanghai and Chinese markets at the meeting.Evaluation feedback mechanism.Shi Wan, chairman of Roche Group (Roche), emphasized that to seize the opportunities of artificial intelligence development, not only need to strengthen computing power, but also promote cross -border data circulation.

Gong Zheng promised that Shanghai will focus on reducing the entry threshold and operating costs of the enterprise. By fully implementing the new version of the new version of the catalog and negative list, to ensure that in the "element obtaining, qualification license, government procurement, and standard formulation,""The consistency of domestic and foreign investment", focusing on financial taxation, finance, personnel exchanges, import and export and other aspects to increase the factor support of foreign -funded foreign companies.

He also disclosed that Shanghai is stepping up the amendment to the amendment of the business environment and is expected to be implemented early next year; the government will also increase the legitimate rights and interests such as the property rights and intellectual property rights of foreign enterprises.

The Academician of the Academy of Sciences Hans Uskart was invited to give a keynote speech on the opportunities and challenges brought by artificial intelligence (AI) at the conference.Gong Zheng has a strong interest in this subject.In summary of his speech, he pointed out that the cost of building AI infrastructure is getting higher and higher, and the technology iterative iteration is too fast. Many facilities are "waste after construction".Use AI to realize ideas.