The truth about the incident of "a mouse head in a university in a university in Jiangxi" finally came!According to the joint investigation team and domestic authoritative animal experts, it is determined that the foreign objects in the photos and videos taken by students are the heads of mouse rodents, not duck necks.At the same time, it is found that Jiangxi University of Technology and Vocational and Technical College has the main responsibility for the incident, the enterprises involved in the incident are directly responsible, and the market supervision and management department is responsible for supervision.

Continuous attention and finally waiting for the truth!However, the cost of seeking truth from facts is a bit big!

As early as when things came out, many people had a basic judgment on whether foreign bodies duck neck or mouse head.From the video sent by the students, the foreign body is triangular, with teeth, eyes, surrounded by a small amount of hair, and is very similar to the mouse head.The "rat head" theory has also been recognized by animal experts.However, the Changdong Branch of the Jiangxi Institute of Technology and the Market Supervision Bureau of the Nanchang High -tech Zone of the Nanchang City made foreign bodies as duck necks, as if given the public who believed "seeing".

The rat head is still a duck head, there is only one truth, foreign body is the mouse head!The question mark in the public's mind was finally straightened. At the time, the school "pointed to the mouse" was also recognized as not seriously investigating and obtaining evidence. The schools, enterprises, and market supervision departments must bear responsibility and accept punishment.In accordance with the Food Safety Law and Regulations on the People's Republic of China, the Nanchang Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has revoked the food business license of the cafeteria involved, and punished the enterprises and legal representatives.

Being punished by the top, this result is not unjust at all.Regardless of the impact of the mouse head on the physical and mental health of students in the cafeteria, there are "ghosts" in the hearts of the enterprises and schools.The joint investigation team found that students eating foreign bodies suspected to be a rat head in the cafeteria were discarded by the cafeteria staff on the day of the incident.Is this staff who eliminates evidence, is personal behavior or instructed?After being exposed in 2021, the school that was exposed into a mouse was caught in a "mouse storm". Is it really because the investigation is not serious enough?It is the meaning of the school and the enterprise involved not to learn lessons and cover the bells of the ear.

In fact, the event upgraded and the fermentation of public opinion to this extent is in the final analysis because the school does not know what netizens are concerned about and asking for.Instead of clarifying the justification of "strong mouth", it is better to apologize and reflect in time, and improve the sanitary conditions of the cafeteria as soon as possible. This is the attitude of the school involved.The focus of the whole thing is not just a rat head, but the school's handling, thinking, and image.

As the guardian of the tongue of the people, the market supervision department must not only check the "quality", but also speak for "facts".Facing the doubts of the "duck and rat puzzle", the local municipal supervision bureau easily concluded without careful investigation, which is by no means responsible and responsible.Once the water is put on the supervision, those perfunctory short -sighted mentality is likely to push the credibility and law enforcement fairly to the edge of the crisis.Fortunately, this incident was valued by the Jiangxi Provincial Municipal Supervisory Bureau, and it was convincing.

There is no small matter for people's livelihood, and food safety is more important than heaven.According to the report, the next step, relevant departments will seriously handle relevant responsible units, enterprises and responsible persons involved in the Changdong Branch of the Changdong Branch of the Changdong Branch of Jiangxi Industrial and Technical College, Nanchang High -tech Zone Market Supervision and Administration Bureau in accordance with laws and regulations.Take this opportunity to make people feel at ease and rest assured for food safety issues similar to "duck and mouse puzzles", and the chaos of the cafeteria.(Righteous Guan commentator Han Jing)