The State Council of the Chinese State Council holds a meeting to review and approve the supporting science and technology enterprise financing action plan, and guide financial institutions to provide diversified relay financial services in accordance with the different needs of science and technology enterprises.

According to CCTV news reports, Prime Minister Li Qiang of the State Council of China hosted a executive meeting of the State Council on Friday (June 16), and the meeting reviewed and approved the intensity to support science and technology enterprise financing action plans.

The meeting emphasized that we must guide financial institutions to further optimize the product, market and service systems according to the different needs of technology -based enterprises in different development stages, and provide a diversified relay financial service for technology -based enterprises with a full life cycle.Essence

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to use the support of the initial -time technology -based enterprises as the top priority, and accelerate the formation of a financial service support system that is mainly based on equity investment and the "stock loan bond insurance" linkage.It is necessary to strengthen infrastructure construction such as scientific and technological innovation evaluation standards, intellectual property transactions, and credit information systems.It is necessary to make overall financing support and risk prevention, and effectively maintain financial stability.

For the science and technology enterprise, the chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission Yihui said at the Lujiazui Forum on the 8th of this month that it will thoroughly implement the innovation -driven development strategy, adhere to the science and technology board, the GEM, and the Bei Exchange of the Beijing Stock ExchangeDifferentiated characteristic positioning, explore the establishment of a comprehensive full -cycle product system covering stocks, bonds and private equity, continuously improve the institutional mechanisms such as equity incentives and employees' shareholding of listed companies, and promote the deep integration of the talent chain of the capital chain of the innovation chain industry chain.The capital market has introduced the policy and measures to further support high -level technology independence and self -reliance.

The State Council Executive Meeting on Friday also studies a number of policy measures that promote the continuous rise of the economy, and emphasize that policy measures with conditions must be introduced and implemented in a timely manner.

At the same time, the meeting also reviewed and approved the supervision and management regulations of the private equity fund, strengthened the source control of the industry's outstanding issues, stated the bottom line of supervision, and severely crack down on illegal fundraising in the name of "private equity funds" to illegally fundraising and other illegal funds.Financial activities.