(Riyadh / Beijing Comprehensive News) Huawei, a Chinese technology giant, has reportedly relocated the Middle East headquarters to the Saudi Arabian capital Riyadh.

Bloomberg News Sunday (9th) quoted people familiar with the matter that Huawei was negotiating with the official relocation headquarters, but it has not yet made a final decision.

Saudi Arabia has previously announced that if companies want to continue to carry out business with the Saudi government or their own companies, institutions, funds, etc. after 2024, they need to consider setting up a regional headquarters in Saudi Arabia.Saudi officials have revealed that as of the end of last year, about 80 companies have applied to relocate the company's headquarters to Liade.

As the influence of the United States weakened in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia is strengthening diplomacy and business relations with China.Under the mediation of Saudi Arabia in March this year, Iran reached an agreement with Iran, who had broken diplomatic relations for seven years.

Chinese official visited Saudi Arabia last December, and the two countries signed an agreement worth $ 50 billion.Saudi Arabia also signed a memorandum of understanding with Huawei to allow Huawei to participate in more local scientific and technological construction.Huawei also opened its largest overseas flagship store in 2022.

Huawei official website shows that Huawei is currently headquartered in the Middle East and the UAE and Barin, and has offices in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, Iraq, and Jordan.