The Chinese Navy Qi Jiguang Ship End of the first visit to the Philippines on Saturday (June 17).

According to China News Network, Qi Jiguang's ships ended with friendly visits to the Philippines on Saturday and left the Port of Manila.At this point, Qi Jiguang's ship has completed the missions of the voyage and will continue to organize students to conduct internship training during the return voyage.

A grand farewell ceremony was held at the dock at 10 am on Saturday at 10 am.More than 300 people including Chinese ambassador Huang Xilian, military officer Li Jianzhong, the leaders and staff of the embassy, representatives of Chinese -funded institutions, representatives of overseas Chinese, representatives of international students, and representatives of the Philippine Navy officers and soldiers went to the dock.

After visiting the Philippines, the Chinese mission commander visited Lieutenant General Adchi, commander of the Philippines and participated in the welcome dinner hosted by the Philippine Navy's coastal combat forces.Visit the Chinese Navy officers and soldiers and the Philippine Navy officers and soldiers launched professional exchanges, football, and tug of war.

During the dynamic period, Qi Jiguang ship organized a total of five ships to open activities, and jointly donated disaster relief supplies to the Filipino embassy in the Filipinan embassy in the Philippines, and to the Philippine Card Governor Manman ManmanPakistani was transferred to the disaster relief assistance to help people who suffered from the super typhoon "Betty".

Qi Jiguang Ship held a grand deck enrollment on Thursday (15th), and nearly 300 people in China and the Philippines attended.At the deck enrollment, the visiting trainees brought traditional folk music, dance, martial arts and other performances.

On May 15 this year, the Chinese Navy's new ocean -style comprehensive training ship Qi Jiguang ship was equipped with 476 naval trainees and officers and soldiers., Brunei, the Philippines and other countries.