The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping said on Saturday (June 17) in the congratulatory letter of the Strait Forum that the mainland will be respected, caring, and benefiting from Taiwan compatriots as always, promoting cross -strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation.The righteousness contributes to the promotion of the great cause of the motherland.

According to the CCTV news client, Xi Jinping said in the congratulatory letter that compatriots on both sides of the strait communicate with the Straits Forum and make friends and make friends.Expanding cross -strait folk exchanges and deepening cross -strait integration and development continues to increase vitality.

He emphasized that the prospect of the new journey of Chinese -style modernization is bright.The mainland will continue to respect, care, and benefit Taiwan's compatriots, continue to promote cross -strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation, deepen the integration and development of various fields across the Taiwan Straits, jointly promote Chinese culture, and promote the compatibility of compatriots on both sides of the strait.

Xi Jinping also said that he hopes that compatriots on both sides of the strait will jointly grasp the general trend of history, adhere to the national righteousness, and contribute to the peaceful development of cross -strait relations and the great cause of the motherland.

The 15th Strait Forum was held in Xiamen on Saturday. It is the first large -scale exchange activity on both sides of the strait after the crown disease.The theme of this forum is "expanding civil exchanges and deepening integration and development."

Zhu Fenglian, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, said at a regular press conference on June 14 that the Straits Forum invited Taiwan's Kuomintang, the New Party, the Parent -Democratic Party, the unity of the party, and the people.There are more than 5,000 representatives of various industries in Taiwan.

The Taiwan MAC said on June 9 that the Straits Forum is an important united front platform of the Communist Party of China, and reiterated that they must not co -organize the Strait Forum with the Luofang.The public participates in the "democratic consultation" activities that endanger the "democratic negotiations of national sovereignty and security and participation in promoting the" related activities of one country, two systems, ".

However, the Kuomintang in the wild still announced on June 14 that the party vice chairman Xia Liyan will lead the group to attend the Straits Forum.Essence