The Shanghai Market Supervision Bureau of China is discussed on the grounds that the existence of frequent induction of mobile phone numbers and registered members, etc., interviewed Starbucks, Shake Shack and other catering shops.

According to Surging News, the Shanghai Internet Information Office and the Market Supervision Bureau jointly launched the "Light Sword Pujiang · Personal Information Rights Protection Law Enforcement Action" on Friday (June 16)., Simplythai Tiantai Restaurant and Shake Shack stores involved in on -site inspections and asked companies involved to participate in interviews.

The surging news reporter found that in the early days of this month that the above -mentioned restaurants generally have induced and follow the public account; frequently ask for user names, mobile phone numbers, etc.; Frequently induces or forcibly request users for precise positioning; frequent induction or compulsory requests to register for registrationBecome a member.

其中汉堡品牌“SHAKE SHACK”,不仅诱导要求填写用户姓名、手机号,当非会员完成支付生成取餐号后,若关闭小程序再进入,便无法看到订单记录及Take the meal number; order the Starbucks coffee, at least three times the pop -up prompt, and the pop -up window should be positioned twice;Ask, you can't order.

In this regard, the Shanghai law enforcement unit visited Starbucks (Hengshanfang) located on Hengshan Road on Friday afternoon and Shake Shack and Simplythai Tiantai Restaurant in the center of Jingnqili.The staff of the Internet Information Office showed the screen recording of the aforementioned related issues and the corresponding problems to the staff involved.

The law enforcement officer of the Internet Information Office said that the Starbucks scanned code ordering small program frequently induced the mobile phone number, accurate location information and frequent pop -up window prompts to join the members;Gender, induced registered members; Tiantai Restaurant induces attention to the public account, frequently induce the mobile phone number and other behaviors, suspected of violating the relevant requirements of the Personal Information Protection Law.Guide related enterprises to further rectify.