Russia's Natural Gas Industry Co., Ltd. said that the company and PetroChina Natural Gas Co., Ltd. discussed the problem of gas transmission to China in the Far East line.

According to the Russian satellite news agency, Russia issued a statement on Saturday (June 17), saying that during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the chairman of Russia Alexie Miller and CNPC Dai Houliang discussed discussions discussedThe key issues of strategic cooperation, and specially discussed the project progress of natural gas to China via the Far East line.

The statement said that according to the timetable determined by the two parties, the design of natural gas pipelines continued.

The statement also mentioned that the two sides highly evaluated the reliability of the "Siberian power" natural gas pipeline.Since the beginning of this year, the supply of Siberian power pipelines often exceed the single -day specified volume written by the contract.The two sides also discussed the development of cooperation in the field of natural gas separately.

St. Petersburg International Economic Forum was held from June 14th to 17th.

China and Russia planned to laid a natural gas pipeline from the Far East Line Qi -Blood Cooperation Project under the Far East Line Qi Investment Project, which laid a natural gas pipeline from Russia's Dalinlezestsk and the cross -border River Ussuri River to China Tiger Forest.

Russian Qi and PetroChina signed a long -term contract for natural gas exporting to China by 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas exports to China each year.After the project is implemented, Russia's total supply to China will reach 48 billion cubic meters.

Russian Prime Minister Michasi said earlier that the implementation of the Russian -China government's cooperation agreement between the Russian -China government from the Far East to the field of gas supply to China is beneficial to both countries and will further promote the development of the Russian Far East.