China reports that the youth unemployment rate will hit the high in May, and the official media and People's Daily issued a document saying that since this year, various departments and departments have implemented a fine priority policy for employment, and the employment situation has improved.

The People's Daily of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was published on Saturday (June 17), which published an article entitled to implement the priority of employment and employment.According to the article, since this year, all localities and departments have implemented the priority policy of employment, actively responding to the pressure and structural contradictions of the total amount of employment, and do everything possible to stabilize the amount, amplification, improve quality, and bottom line.

The article takes the employment policy implemented by Guangdong, Hunan, Tianjin and other places as an example.The model creates the potential of employment to cultivate more employment growth points; focusing on the needs of workers to start a business, in -depth implementation of key group entrepreneurship promotion actions, and helping workers dare to start a business, can start a business, and create business.

The article also quotes data with a 5.2%unemployment rate of urban surveys in China in May.The situation improves overall.

The article states that employment is stable.Effectively grasp the people's livelihood project, the people's heart project, and the foundation project, enhance the adaptability of employment, and promote high -quality and full employment, which can better realize the people's expectations of "more stable jobs".

The National Bureau of Statistics of China released various economic data on Thursday (June 15).Among them, the national urban survey unemployment rate was 5.2%, which was the same as April; however, the unemployment rate of labor survey from 16 to 24 years old rose to 20.8%, an increase of 0.4 percentage points from April.Large economies are weak.

Fu Linghui, a spokesman for the National Bureau of Statistics and Director of the Department of Statistics of the National Economic Comprehensive Statistics, revealed that in May, about 6 million among young people from 16 to 24 years old are still looking for a job.