The State Council of the Chinese State Council held a meeting to study policies and measures that promoted the continuous recovery of the economy, and emphasized that "policy measures with conditions must be introduced and implemented in a timely manner."rumor.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang presided over the executive meeting of the State Council on Friday (June 16) to propose changes to the economic situation.Continue to rise to improve. "

According to reports, the meeting "research proposed a group of policy measures", and also emphasized that "conditions with conditions must be introduced and implemented in a timely manner."However, official media reports did not disclose specific information about these policy measures.

Wall Street Journal: China considers the issuance of approximately 1 trillion yuan special Treasury bonds

The market has recently rumored that Beijing will make a weak economy.The Wall Street Journal quoted people familiar with the matter on Thursday that the Chinese government is considering the issuance of approximately 1 trillion yuan (RMB, S $ 187.5 billion) Special Treasury to help local governments with debt and boost business confidence.These special government bonds will be used to fund infrastructure projects and other growth measures, and will also indirectly use to assist local governments to repay debts.

In addition, the Chinese government is still considering the cancellation of the purchase restriction policy for the second and secondary houses in small and medium -sized cities to stimulate the real estate market.People familiar with the matter said that these plans may be announced in the next few days.

Bloomberg also quoted people familiar with the matter earlier that Beijing was brewing a package stimulus plan, including at least a dozen measures designed to support real estate and domestic demand.In terms of supporting the property market, regulators are considering reducing the interest rate of stock mortgages, and further providing more financing support for insured property through policy financial instruments.

In May, the youth unemployment rate reached a new high to reflect the insufficient endurance of the economy

A series of macroeconomic data released by China on Thursday is not as good as expected, showing that economic growth momentum has further declined and employment and consumption are weak.Among them, in May, the unemployment rate of youth reached a new high to 20.8%, and the severe employment situation also reflected insufficient endogenous motivation.

Wang Jun, chief economist of Huatai Assets, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that as of now, the stimulus plan of the outside world has reflected the market calls and projected the outside world's concerns about the current severe situation. It is hoped that the government has introduced some measures to promote economic development.

Wang Jun pointed out that the current market confidence and demand are insufficient and the economic data is weakened. It is necessary to increase public expenditure and hedging.Improve external expectations will have direct help.

The exterior is different from possible stimulating measures.Some economists believe that because companies and consumers are unwilling to increase debt, even if more stimulating measures are taken, the results may be limited.

Shen Meng, director of the Investment Bank Capital Capital, headquartered in Beijing, told the Wall Street Journal that except for their own lives, there are almost no other motivation to buy a house, and their beliefs on house prices will only have higher and higher convictions.

Wang Jun also pointed out that the cancellation of some cities' purchase restriction measures can help improve the real estate market, but the effect is limited. The current restriction measures suppress part of the improvement of demand, but the public has insufficient expectations in the future, and the income has been affected in the past few years.Real estate measures are unlikely immediate, reversing the situation in a short time.

In response to the external concerns about the Chinese economic situation, Meng Wei, spokesman for the China National Development and Reform Commission, said at the press conference on Friday that temporary fluctuations in some areas in the process of economic recovery are normal. On the whole, the Chinese economic operation remains resumed restoration.situation.

She said that the Development and Reform Commission will focus on stabilizing the economy in the six aspects, including the formulation of policies to recover and expand consumption, accelerate the implementation of major projects, promote major infrastructure such as energy, water conservancy, and transportationwait.