(Beijing/Washington Comprehensive News) The Chinese government reports that it is considering the introduction of a package of policy measures to boost the increasingly weak economic growth, covering many fields such as real estate to domestic demand.However, the analysis believes that compared with the previous rounds of stimulus measures, the chips that can currently use in Beijing may be limited.

Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter and said that a package of stimulus programs in the brewing was drafted by multiple government agencies, including at least a dozen measures designed to support real estate and domestic demand.The State Council of the Chinese State may be discussed on Friday (June 16), and it is unclear that the scheme is announced and implemented.

support for the real estate market will be the key to this performance plan.People familiar with the matter said that regulators are considering reducing the interest rate of stock mortgages, and further providing more financing support for insurance and diplomas through policy financial instruments.

The Chinese economy has gradually recovered during the post -epidemic period. However, the official recent release data also shows that China's domestic demand is still weak and the economic growth is insufficient.China National Bureau of Statistics will announce May Economic Data on Thursday (15th), but in the context of no significant signs of improvement in the economy, the outside world expects that the main economic indicators in May will continue weaknesses.

After the number of deposits listed on a number of banks was lowered, the People's Bank of China accidentally cut interest rates on Tuesday (13th) on Tuesday (13th).The short -term loan interest rate conveys the signal of loose policy interest rates.

The market is generally expected that the interest rate (MLF) interest rate (MLF) interest rate (MLF) and the loan market quotation interest rate (LPR) next Tuesday (20th) will be reduced.


The Chinese government's efforts in monetary policy and the trend of brewing economic stimulus plans have shown that after the fading of consumption driving at the beginning of this year, decision makers are worried about economic growth, and the official is changing the position of cautiously introducing stimulus measures.

However, the analysis also believes that due to the sluggish real estate, coupled with the stretching of local finances, the impact of stimulating measures, and the continuous space of government policies, they may be relatively limited.

Lu Ting, chief Chinese economist at Nomura Holdings, said that the space of traditional stimulus tools is getting smaller and smaller. The negative impact they have brought before is still lingering, including heavy local government debt, inefficient investment, waste of resources, waste of resourcesThe high debt rate means that the difficulty of launching a package plan is increasing.

The weak real estate market is still the main dragging factor in the Chinese economy. However, decision makers seem to be unwilling to use real estate investment to drive the traditional means of economy.

Goldman Sachs analyst said in a recent report that Beijing is seeking to reduce the dependence of economic and finance on the real estate market. It is expected that the shed reform plan from 2015 to 2018 will not be repeated.Fund has promoted the surge in house prices.

Pantheon Macroeconomics chief Chinese economist Duncan Wrigley pointed out that Chinese policy makers still have a lot of money on the debt problem left in the global financial crisis. It is expected that a new round of stimulus is expected to stimulateThe purpose of measures is to keep the economy grow and reach the level of consistent with the relatively conservative GDP target as about 5%, not to stimulate the economic growth violently.