When the Kuomintang Vice Chairman Xia Liyan attended the Straits Forum on Saturday (June 17), he called on the two sides of the strait to strive to restore the state of exchanges and cooperation before the epidemic to improve the relationship and restore economic vitality and social connection.

According to the Taiwan Wang Daily, Xia Liyan said that at the moment when cross -strait relations are facing a key turning point, he will represent the Kuomintang's claims and suggestions on cross -strait exchanges on behalf of the Kuomintang.First of all, he called on the two sides of the strait to strive to restore the state of exchange and cooperation before the epidemic to improve relationships, restore economic vitality and social connection.

He said that the negative effects accumulated by the long -term accumulation of the relationship between cross -strait relations and the long -term epidemic have formed a profound impact on existing exchanges.The recovery of the grass -roots people's livelihood economy is still relatively slow.These areas are the most direct and true communication. To maintain a certain amount and quality, it is essential for ensuring the development of cross -strait relations.

Secondly, Xia Liyan hopes that the two sides of the strait will be able to implement the agreement and seek solution as much as possible for the basic rights and interests of the people's livelihood and the people at the grassroots level.

He suggested that cross -strait may give priority to some areas that are related to the basic rights of the grassroots people's livelihood and the people's basic rights. I hope that the two sides of the strait will implement the joint crackdown on crimes on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and the judicial mutual aid agreement, as well as the two sides of the Taiwan StraitAgricultural product quarantine inspection cooperation agreement.

Xia Liyan also suggested that the role of the bond in cross -strait society in the field of economic and trade and culture in cross -strait society. He said that cross -strait economic and trade exchanges and cooperation are the cockpit stones that maintain cross -strait relations and peaceful and stable cross -strait.The spirit of implementing the cross -strait economic cooperation structure agreement, cross -strait cross -strait investment guarantee and promotion agreement, for the unfinished agreements in the past, should also be advanced with conditions permit.

Xia Liyan said, "We cannot change some regrets caused by the conflict between cross -strait conflicts in the past, but now we can work together to build the Taiwan Strait as a sea of peace and work together to maintain difficult peace."

The 15th Strait Forum was held in Xiamen on Saturday. It is the first large -scale exchange activity on both sides of the strait after the crown disease.According to the mainland, the forum invited Taiwan's Kuomintang, New Party, Parent -Democratic Party, united party unity alliance, and people's party representatives and other industries in Taiwan.

The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping said in the congratulatory letter of the Strait Forum on Saturday that the mainland will continue to respect, care for, benefit Taiwan's compatriots, promote cross -strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation, and promote the compatibility of compatriots on both sides of the strait.It is hoped that compatriots on both sides of the strait will adhere to the righteousness of the nation and contribute to the promotion of the great cause of the motherland.