U.S. Secretary of State Broskyi talks with South Korean foreign minister Park Zhen before visiting China, expressed support for developing mature Sino -South Korean relations on the premise of mutual respect.

Comprehensive Reuters and Yonhap reports that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea said in a statement that Brinken started to visit China on Saturday (June 17) to visit China and Park Zhentong to call on US -South Korea relations, Sino -South Korean relations, and relations between China and South Korea.Talk about the North Korean issue.

Brinken said that supporting South Korea based on mutual respect, strive to promote the healthy and mature development of Sino -South Korean relations, and say that it will share the results of visiting China in a timely manner.

Brillings will visit China from 18th to 19th to meet Chinese officials.This will be the US Secretary of State visiting China again after five years.Brinken said on a press conference in Washington on Friday (June 16) that the visit to China aims to ensure that the competition between the United States and China will not evolve into an open conflict.

Park Zhen said in a call that supporting the United States to work hard to control US -China relations in difficult environments, and explain to Brinton's position in South Korea's relations in South Korea.It is reported that Park Zhen may mention that the Chinese ambassador to South Korea Xing Haiming recently issued controversial remarks, and the South Korean side demanded that China has taken appropriate measures.

The two strongly condemned North Korea for its continuous provocation and agreed that North Korea's nuclearization was in line with China's common interests.South Korea has been elected as a member of the United Nations Security Council a few days ago.