Regarding the recent "risk" statement proposed by the Seven Kingdoms Group, the Chinese ambassador to the UK Zheng Zeguang emphasized that "de -risk" is exactly the same as that of "decoupling" and in an attempt to curb China. This approach is destined to fail.He called on China and Britain to go each other to strengthen dialogue and cooperation.

According to a press release issued by the Chinese Embassy in the UK on Saturday (June 17), Zheng Zeguang attended the "Dialogue with the Ambassador" at the British Chopstick Club on June 14, accepted the joint chief executive officer of the clubRehabes interview.

I was asked about the saying that the Seven Kingdoms Group recently proposed that they did not seek to be decoupled with China, but to go to risk.Just like the same, they are trying to obstruct China's technological progress and economic development and curb China."This approach violates market rules and the trend of the times, violates the fundamental interests of the people of all countries, and seriously underestimate the strong determination, strong ability and high toughness of the Chinese people to achieve the goal of national rejuvenation. It is destined to fail."

Zheng Zeguang said that the manufacturer of risks is the United States and not China.He criticized the United States that the United States had undergone unilateral sanctions and "long -arm jurisdictions" on other countries.In recent years, the United States has implemented quantitative loose and violent actions such as shrinkage and interest rate hikes, which objectively led to the high inflation and living cost crisis of many countries.

He also quoted data pointed out that China's development has brought huge development opportunities to the world, and is in sharp contrast to the American approach."The British people now see the benefits of Sino -British economic and trade relations more clearly. It is conducive to Britain to suppress inflation, reduce debt, improve people's livelihood, and achieve green transformation goals."

Zheng Zeguang emphasized that the "de -risk" of China's "risk" was wrong, and it would only create real risks, and called on the UK to formulate a policy for China from its own national interests. "Molecular abduction should not be brought astray by the third country. "

When talking about the two years of the United Kingdom's feelings about British -China relations, Zheng Zeguang said that there are some differences between China and Britain.Only by following the principles of mutual respect, non -interference in internal affairs, and equality and mutual benefit can the relationship between the two countries stabilize.

He emphasized that China's policy of Britain is consistent and clear.China hopes that the two sides will do each other and develop constructive cooperative relationships on the basis of mutual respect and win -win cooperation.

He also mentioned that there are some different voices on the issue of the United Kingdom in China. Some people will never change their views when they talk about China, but the key is "cannot let these people abducting them.British relations ".

When being asked to explain the Chinese position on the Ukrainian issue, Zheng Zeguang first said that on the Ukrainian issue, China is not the party to create a problem, but to solve the power of the problem.

He pointed out that China's position is always the same, but the current problem is that in the face of the continuous upgrading of the crisis, where is the way out?The United States and NATO have continuously provided weapons to the conflict, which led to the continuous upgrade of the war and caused more bleeding conflict.China advocates and promotes another plan, that is, persuasion and talk, and political solution.

Zheng Zeguang reiterated that China believes that promoting political resolution through negotiations is the only correct way out of the Ukrainian crisis.Although it may take a lot of time to work hard, political solution can avoid more bleeding and destruction, more in line with the interests of all parties, and more conducive to European persistence and peace.