The official investigation team announced the results of the incident survey of the "rat head duck neck" of the Jiangxi Institute of Industry Vocational and Technical College. It was determined that the foreign body found in the meal was not a duck neck, but the head of mouse rodents.The food business license of the cafeteria involved has been revoked, and the official also punished the enterprises involved and the legal representatives.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the event joint investigation team composed of the Jiangxi Provincial Education Department, the Provincial Public Security Department, the Provincial SASAC, and the Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau issued a notice on Saturday (June 17).

The report said that after the survey site, the joint investigation team retracted the surveillance video and found that the student ate a foreign body suspected of "rat head" in the cafeteria on June 1,throw away.By viewing the video of the kitchen of the cafeteria, checking the procurement list, and asking the person in charge of the cafeteria, the related parties of the kitchen, the students of the person, and the onlookers at the scene, etc., determine that the foreign body is not a duck neck.

According to the photos and videos of the extraordinary students taken by the students of the extraordinary students, the foreign body is determined that the foreign body is the head of a mouse rodent.

The notification pointed out that the Changdong Branch of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Nanchang High -tech Zone and Jiangxi Industrial Vocational and Technical College did not carefully investigate and obtain evidence.

The investigation team determined that Jiangxi University of Industry Vocational and Technical College bears the main responsibility for the incident, the enterprises involved in the incident are directly responsible, and the market supervision and management department is responsible for supervision.

According to the Food Safety Law and Implementation Regulations of the People's Republic of China, the Nanchang Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has revoked the food business license of the cafeteria involved to punish the enterprises and legal representatives involved;Jiangxi Industry Vocational and Technical College, Nanchang High -tech Zone Market Supervision and Administration Bureau Changdong Branch and other relevant responsible units, enterprises and responsible persons involved in conducting special food safety rectification in the province.

Jiangxi University of Technology Vocational and Technical College students found foreign objects suspected of mouse heads in the meals during the meal during the cafeteria, but the school responded that it was "duck neck", which detonated the "mouse duck dispute".Essence

Changdong Branch of the Municipal Supervision Bureau of Nanchang City also responded at the time that law enforcement officers "repeatedly compared" and confirmed that foreign body was a duck neck.However, netizens did not buy the "duck neck theory", and they ridiculed that "Nanchang universities 'finger mice are ducks' fools."

Jiangxi Province subsequently established a joint investigation team consisting of the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Public Security Department, the Provincial SASAC, the Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and other departments to investigate the incident.