Fu Cong, the head of the Chinese EU and the Ambassador of the EU, said that although he still faces some problems, he is optimistic about the recovery of China -Europe relations.He revealed that the Chairman of the European Commission Feng Delin and the Chairman of the European Council Michelle may visit China in the first half of this year. China and the European parties are expected to soon usher in "frequent high -level mutual visits."He also said that the positions of China and the European Union on the Ukrainian issue are not completely consistent, but they do not want the Ukrainian issue to affect the development of China -Europe relations.

Fu Cong said in an exclusive interview with the Chinese official media ring Times that Wang Yi, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, was designed to release the "peace signal" for a nine -day visit."It is both visiting European and Russia, and aims to convey the position of China persuasion and talk." He said that China is very worried about the current situation of the upgrade of crisis.

Fu Cong said at the same time that the above -mentioned access arrangements are also designed to release another important information, that is, China -Europe relations should not be affected by the Ukrainian issue.He said that the emotions that the European issue was "very irrational" on the Ukrainian issue.China has an independent foreign policy and cannot fully agree with the EU's position on the Ukrainian issue, but China does not want the Ukrainian issue to affect the development of China -Europe relations.He also suggested that the European Union should avoid being too emotional to deal with the Ukrainian issue.

Despite some problems, Fu Cong said that he "has a very optimistic attitude" to China -Europe relations.He said that the European Union Commission Chairman Feng Delin and the chairman of the European Council Michelle are expected to visit China in the first half of this year.He also revealed that some other high -level consultation mechanisms between China and the European Europe will also recover quickly, and the two parties are expected to soon usher in "very frequent high -level mutual visits."

At the end of last year, German Prime Minister Tsutz and Chairman of the European Council Michelle visited China successively.According to public reports, French Prime Minister Macron and Italian Prime Minister Meloni are also expected to visit China in the first half of this year.Analysis believes that the willingness to visit China by many European leaders releases positive signals to the world.However, the words and deeds of the China -Europe Comprehensive Investment Agreement, Lithuania and other countries and some European politicians on the issue of Taiwan, which are still frozen because of sanctions.

Fu Cong said that on the issue of restarting the China -Europe Comprehensive Investment Agreement, the two sides should "look forward and not entangle in the past."Earlier, China has made suggestions to the EU that the two parties can cancel sanctions at the same time so that the agreement can restart.After the proposal is proposed, the European Union has different reactions: Some people think that this is a feasible idea, but some people think that the time is not yet mature.

Fu Cong said that if the European party believes that it is difficult for China to implement it, I hope that the European party proposes a way to solve the problem.He said that in the context of global economic downturn, as soon as possible to restart the investment agreement, the investment agreement will play a good role in the two parties and the global economy.

Fu Cong also said that the main difficulties facing the current thawing are still the differences between the two parties on human rights issues.He believes that China and Europe have restarted human rights dialogue, and the EU's doubts and concerns in human rights can be discussed in other channels, and it is not necessary to link with economic and trade issues.He also said that China is willing to clarify the EU's prejudice and misunderstanding of Chinese human rights affairs, reduce the differences in human rights issues on human rights issues in order to promote the restart of the China -EU comprehensive investment agreement.

On the issue of Taiwan, Fu Cong emphasized that the EU's position on the Taiwan issue must be consent and recognized by the Chinese side. The EU should not have the so -called "EU's one -China policy".The principle is explained unilaterally.

Fu Cong said: "Some people in the European side now always say 'a Chinese policy in the European party', as if one of their Chinese policy and one of our Chinese principles are not the same thing, or they have the right to separate aloneExplaining their China -China policy is the same. But I emphasized that when the China -Europe establishment of diplomatic relations, the European party's commitment actually includes a very important principle, that is, the EU's position on Taiwan's issue must be recognized by China. "